Italy 24 Press News

Pordenone. Animals end up at online auction in the “Machinery” category: the complaint – Nordest24

PORDENONE – A horse, a pony, a cattle and four goats were auctioned in the “Machinery-tools-raw materials” category and in the “Agriculture, forestry and fishing machinery” section following a seizure by the Court of Pordenone. This was announced by the International Organization for Animal Protection (OIPA), highlighting how this procedure is incongruous and in conflict with the current legislation that protects animals, including the new article 9 of the Constitution. OIPA calls for a legislative change to prevent such procedures for all animal species.

Animals treated as commodities

Seven sentient beings were placed on an auction portal along with industrial machinery, cars, household appliances, paint cans, mosquito nets and other items. This situation highlights how animals are treated as simple material goods.

The basic price for the “lot” of the Irish breed horse and pony of approximately one year is 300 euros, while that of the cattle and four Alpine Camosciata goats is 250 euros. The start of registration for the two online auctions is set for 12pm on June 11th.

An unethical administrative procedure

«The animal auction is an unethical administrative procedure in which animals are considered mere objects», declares Massimo Comparotto, president of the OIPA. «We are very far from the transposition of the Lisbon Treaty of 2007, which protects animals as sentient beings. Sending them to auction is reprehensible.”

A request for legislative change

The OIPA hopes that there will be a happy ending for these unfortunate animals, similar to that of the 57 donkeys of San Poxidenio (Modena), which became famous thanks to the media coverage and the solidarity competition triggered throughout Italy. The current situation demonstrates the need for urgent legislative change to prevent animals from being treated as mere objects to be sold at auction.

This case highlights a significant ethical and legal problem in the management of seized animals. It is essential that Italian legislation adapts to guarantee the protection of animals as sentient beings, respecting their dignity and integrity.

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