Italy 24 Press News

Turin cyclists protest: “Faded signage, it must be redone”

Faded signs, almost invisible. There Cycling mobility consultancy of Turin denounces the state in the city streets which are used by cyclists every day. And it sends a clear message to the councilors for mobility and care of the City, Chiara Foglietta and Francesco Tresso: more maintenance and updating of the pictograms which still show 20 km/h, an annual fund for cycle paths and structural interventions.

As the Consulta reports, after the years of the pandemic, the Municipality had decided to lower the speed limits on the city’s side streets and to dedicate them first to two wheels. A choice to encourage mobility by bicycle. It’s a shame that the administration led by Chiara Appendino has not opted, according to the Consulta, “for real structural interventions to calm traffic: just a bicycle pictogram and a stamp indicating the maximum speed allowed”.

Four years later, the Consulta noted “a total wear and tear of the signs, now faded and almost invisible”. Translated: “The minimum safety of people on bicycles and scooters is no longer guaranteed. In this way, a person in a car no longer notices that they are moving in a space where cycle priority exists.”

A map

The most worn horizontal road markings for bicycles are found in Corso Francia, Corso Peschiera, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Corso Potenza and Corso Regina Margherita.

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