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Destination Inside Sardinia

Destination Inside Sardinia

Destination Inside Sardinia, in Fonni the Gal Barbagia tourist route reveals the secrets of Instagram: «Clear content and spontaneity are needed».

On June 7th stop in Orgosolo: digital communication school.

Nothing must be left to chance. «Knowing how to present yourself on social media and on the web in a competent and strategic way can help you to make yourself known and to be chosen online too». From Fonni the digital strategy expert, Alessandra Polo, dictates the line, conquers the tourist operators of central Sardinia and animates a new stage of Destination Inside Sardinia, the creation of Gal Barbagia. The workshop “Abc of Instagram, the 12 things to know for a perfect profile” was a success and will be repeated next June 18th in Bitti. Meanwhile, on the afternoon of 7 June, from 3.30 pm, stop in Orgosolo for the seminar “The value of digital communication in tourism”, curated by Gianluigi Tiddia, in the former municipal house.

Instagram: the rules

In front of attentive tour operators, Alessandra Polo in recent days has indicated the path to follow to create the perfect company profile. A dozen moves, a lot of caution and a very precise vision of the customer to intercept and conquer on Instagram. In other words, “stories” and “posts” have a fundamental role in the valorisation of an accommodation facility, a restaurant and, more generally, a tourist destination. Business visibility can be expanded with a few simple steps. «Today the perfect profile must immediately express the focus of a company: who it is, what it does, what difference there is compared to other competitors», explains Alessandra Polo: «In a few seconds it must capture attention. Then, it must immediately allow people to evaluate, even just from the biography, whether it is useful to follow that account.” Alessandra Polo warns, uses her experience to reveal the potential of the Internet and at the same time to highlight the pitfalls. On the other hand, since 2012 you have held the role of “regional manager” for Instagramers Sardinia, the first community of Instagram enthusiasts on the island. This is why, according to the expert, the contents to be published must be created and studied with care. The narration, the so-called “storytelling”, must be original and impactful. «There are many tourists and travelers who are inspired by what they see on Instagram. Therefore, the tour operator must somehow anticipate the customer, his wishes. We need to provide lots of useful and captivating information, so that people are able to make a choice and, if necessary, organize their own holiday.”

The advices

In the world of filters and perfect photos, where retouching is the constant and too often fiction reigns, Alessandra Polo indicates a different path, undoubtedly more profitable and rewarding. Less virtual. «We need to be authentic and spontaneous in informing the traveler about the experience he will have once he has chosen the destination. This aspect always pays off”, remarks the “digital strategist”. Then, she adds: «We need to arouse curiosity through images, which allow us to understand what can be done in that specific structure or in that territory, what you can see and what you can eat. We need to show important elements that make an impact. There are not only landscapes. Therefore, you can focus on quality craftsmanship, archaeology, typical food. On anecdotes, which are always popular.” In many places you start from the “photo social”, breathtaking shots. However, the current trend is different. «Right now videos work more, photos are no longer enough», declares Polo, «Instagram is “chasing” Tik Tok. Videos are no longer too short, they can last 30 seconds or more. They allow you to immerse yourself in the reality of a place, perhaps to watch the preparation of a dish.” Polo points out: «It is not necessary to make professional videos, it is not this aspect that Instagram users reward. I repeat, spontaneity works. Of course, you also need a good, latest generation smartphone, because it allows you to create very decent content.”

Tour operators

The message that comes from Fonni is clear: «People are on social media, for a business that invests in tourism I think it is a shame not to take advantage of the opportunities that social networks offer, Instagram first and foremost», says Alessandra Polo. «It’s worth making this investment and dedicating the time. My advice is the following: little content but good. We don’t chase the number of followers, that’s not what makes the difference.” Antonio Masini, tour operator with accommodation facilities in Fonni, Cagliari and San Teodoro, follows: «Not having large budgets to dedicate to communication, I want to use tools like Instagram in the best possible way. For example, I would like to make my facility in Fonni a destination and at the same time enhance the territory.” Gianfranca Salis, from the Galaveras tourist center in Oliena, adds: «I understood that beautiful photos are not enough. We need to focus on content, on the key words that make us unique and characterize us.” Alessandra Polo concludes: «We cultivate a community of people who are truly interested in our proposals. It is always better to please a few a lot than to please many a little.”

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