Italy 24 Press News

Saturday and Sunday Fano chooses its future

Voting in this weekend’s municipal elections will be a crucial moment for our city. On the one hand there is a right without a vision for the city, with a program of only ordinary administration proposals which has already failed at a regional and national level in keeping the promises made in the electoral campaign, on the other a centre-left which in these 10 years later, after inheriting a culturally and socially weakened and stagnant city, it has restarted the many potentials that Fano can express.

In recent years our commitment to a more just, equitable, plural and supportive society has been daily. We have combined concrete results, new nursery schools, the best school meals in Italy, the strengthening of the library system, the defense without ifs or buts of public Aset with a concrete policy made of values, the naming of a street after Ilaria Alpi , the revocation of Mussolini’s honorary citizenship, the formal protests for the presence of the ProVita movements in the clinics and this is to name just a few.

We fought so that the choice of mayoral candidate should be directly up to the citizens through the primaries and now we are putting a list of 13 women and 11 men who together represent the many souls of this city at the service of the center-left and Cristian Fanesi’s candidacy for mayor , from the world of work to the social world, from minorities to associative and entrepreneurial realities.

A vote for “In Comune con Mascarin” and for the candidates who represent it is a vote for a democratic, open and anti-fascist city and it is a vote so that Fano is increasingly a laboratory of good politics that makes it even more modern and innovative.

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