Italy 24 Press News

CorSport – Dionisi builds a Serie A Palermo

Palermo is looking for other certainties

De Sanctis working to give Dionisi an ambitious staff. Brunori is not the only doubt

The attacker has a contract until 2027. Serie A is tempting him. There are many fixed points

After the announcement of the manager and the coach, there is the team

These are the titles of Corriere dello Sporton newsstands today.

The article by Antonio La Rosa underlines how the page is turning in Palermo and the new chapter will see Dionisi as the protagonist who, together with the sports director, will begin the construction of the team; it remains to be seen who stays or who leaves, starting with Brunori who, if he were to be sold, will be for a sum of no less than five to six million.

There is a strong suspicion that at 29 years old Brunori thinks he has finished his career in Palermo and is attracted by the sirens of Serie A.

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Desplanches is very confirmed in defense as are Lucioni, Ceccaroni and Diakité while Aurelio could go on loan; Segre and Ranocchia will certainly remain in midfield and Stulac also has a better chance of being confirmed with the arrival of Dionisi. A concept also valid for Mancuso or for a player like Damiani who returns from loan to Juve Next Gen.

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Di Mariano was also with Dionisi in Venice and it is possible that he too will remain but having a contract expiring in 2025 his position will be subject to evaluation by the club.

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