Italy 24 Press News

Few students, Don Vender nearing closure

Don Vender Elementary School will close in 2025 and will next year therefore be the last for the institute in Via delle Longure? A question that has started to circulate forcefully since yesterday. The news reached some parents and, worried, they called our editorial staff to try to get some clarifications and express their opposition.

A decision which, if confirmed, could affect their children’s school career and which will already lead to a protest outside the gates today. The councilor for educational policies took care of reducing the issue Anna Frattiniwhich specifies: «We are resuming work for the sizing in the year 2025/2026, a project that had already been started in 2022, also in the face of the demographic decline: an important fact, from which we started planning».

For now, therefore, there is no talk of closure and the final decision still requires time, but above all dialogue with all the actors. «The Administration’s proposal will arrive only at the end of the interlocutory process which we started with school managers, neighborhood councils and trade unions”, confirms Frattini. And he specifies: «We also have plans two public meetings: not to communicate irrevocable decisions, but to communicate with everyone and gather as much information as possible. At the end of the conversation we will take on the responsibility of summarizing data, needs and requests. Not before”.

The problem does not only concern Brescia, because the process of decreasing the number of students underway at Don Vender is common to many other realities. “It would be desirable for the ministry to choose to take advantage of the demographic decline to have smaller classes rather than deciding to save on education: it prefers to reduce the number of classes, which thus become very crowded and, in some contexts, are really difficult to manage” .

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