Italy 24 Press News

Case in Argentina, former Genoa player Ricardo Centurion passed away

What comes from Argentina is sensational. From Radio La Red comes the announcement from the president himself Vélez Sarsfieldthe team in which the player currently plays, who expressed himself as follows to the microphones:

We know nothing about Centurion. He disappeared overnight, we are worried. We are trying to locate him via Google Maps. He turned off his phone and we can’t contact him. He disappeared more than 10 days ago

It is not yet clear whether the 31-year-old left of his own free will or whether there is some other, more dangerous, reason behind his departure.

A complex personality

What we can observe is that the player had not, until today, led a completely peaceful life. In the past he had in fact received accusations, first of corruption towards the police, then of violence against his girlfriend.

Even in recent times the behaviors of Centurion they had become suspect; as early as mid-May the player was often absent from training sessions with the management of Velez who came to think about terminating the contract.

All this until ten days ago; since then all communication has been severed, with the club managing to contact the player’s entourage, who however was unable to help the Velez in research.

A career of ups and downs

His career, even on the pitch, has not been easy for him Ricardo Centurionwhich since 2011, first experience in Racing Clubhe toured many teams in Argentina, seasoned with two experiences in Italy at Genoa.

In both of his Italian adventures, Centurion he didn’t leave his mark on the pitch, returning in both cases to Racing Club with few appearances in the rossoblù shirt.

He seemed to have found quality in his game following his first arrival in Velezin 2020, when then manager Gabriel Heinze wanted to sign him before the new Covid wave, which caused the player to lose again.

From there two experiences, al Saint Lawrence et al Barracas Central, but even in these cases few attendances and little commitment. His last transfer was the very thing that brought him back to the Velez this year.

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