Italy 24 Press News

fists at the teacher and terrified children

Monza – Ha scared children, ha put their hands on him to their maestro. Very bad adventure the other day for the primary school children Raiberti school of Monzawitnesses and victims themselves of an attack at Cascina del Solehistoric meeting place at Monza park from which entire generations have passed.

It all happened last Monday and the news was announced by aa letter sent by the Raiberti Parents Committee. “A pleasant picnic with teachers and schoolmates in the Monza Park was altered by a sudden attack by a homeless man who lived near the Cascina del Sole, in a clear state of abandonment” begins the letter. It happens that last Monday the second year classes of the primary school of Monza meet at the playground near the Cascina del Sole “to celebrate the imminent end of the school year”.

After lunch, the pupils are having fun on slides and swingsand when a homeless man is in andvisible state of alteration comes out from behind the bushes scaring children and shouting to abandon that place “as his territory”. A teacher comes forward, ordering him to move away, but the latter reacts violently lashing out at him and landing a few blows on him before fleeing. “Although shaken by the incident, the teachers immediately assisted their colleague – who fortunately suffered superficial injuries -, reassured the children who were decidedly upset by the incident, and called 112”.

After a few minutes he arrives police, which contributes to reassure the children. “After thanking the police, the teachers decided to return to school early and, hearing the sound of sirens along the way, they realized that the attacker had finally been caught.” That’s right. Man, result a 43 year old homeless Tunisian nor documents, it was reported for beatings and hit by a oral warning of the Commissioner. He was also found a place in un Cpr (Repatriation Center) waiting for a flight to Tunisia, but the doctor refused to issue the necessary health certificate of fitness.

At this point the North African was released. “An ice cream at the Arengario and for the students everything turns into a distant (bad) memory, fortunately without tragic epilogues – conclude the parents -. The teaching staff has certainly been able to manage this affair in the best possible way, putting safety first of the children, as well as the police forces who intervened. However, such an event, which occurred in broad daylight in a public playground, must make us reflect on the fact that degradation is no longer a question of the suburbs/centre or of evening/day hours, but rather a fact of our city context. It is not tolerable”.

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