Italy 24 Press News

Emotion and pain for the final farewell to university professor Francesca Masciarelli [FOTO]

Emotion and a lot of affection for the final farewell to Francesca Masciarelli, professor in the Faculty of Economics at the d’Annunzio University of Chieti – Pescara. At 5pm on 6 June the funeral rite for the 44-year-old woman, who died after a long illness, was celebrated in the cathedral of San Cetteo. Celebrating the religious function was Don Gregorio, a priest friend of Francesca’s family originally from Ripa Teatina, who lived in Pescara with her husband Carlo and his daughter Beatrice. Many faculty students, teachers and staff who knew her and respected her for her work and her human qualities were present.

In his homily, the priest recalled that our definitive goal is not earthly life, but the eternal life that comes after death.

“Faced with the mystery and pain of death, we must always have faith, praying so that Francesca can be welcomed into heaven and can also be next to us, with her soul, every day. We must ask the Lord for the grace to have the strength to overcome this moment of immense pain. I offer my heartfelt condolences to her husband and daughter. hot air balloon tied to a house, ready to take flight towards the sky An image that represents the desire to fly, with the wind represented by the Holy Spirit who will lead all of us, on the day of the end of this earthly life, towards true life. , the eternal and Christian one. We must not get too used to this life but to reach out to God and his mercy.”

Before leaving the cathedral, the rector Liborio Stuppia also wanted to remember Francesca:

“We are here to testify how our dear Francesca had two families who loved her: the one with her husband, her daughter and her loved ones and then also that of the university. A teacher remains a teacher even after death, in the memory of all his students, his colleagues and those who worked day after day alongside him. And I want to remind his loved ones of this: we as the University of Annunzio will always be at your side at any time.”

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