Italy 24 Press News

Palio Foundation, the Whatsapp channel in “dry”…

LEGNANO – We receive a letter from one of our readers, formerly Regent of the Contrada, which has as its theme “aridity” of the Whatsapp channel from the Palio di Legnano Foundationopened a few months ago but apparently widely underused, particularly in the month of May, as demonstrated by the images shown at the bottom of the letter.

Dear Director,
I turn to you and to the readers of Sport Legnano to express my profound disappointment regarding the recent communication service inaugurated by Palio di Legnano Foundation. As communicated by them, the Foundation launched a few months ago WhatsApp channel with the declared aim of always keeping users updated on ongoing initiatives.

However, despite the initial promises, I must point out that the channel has only published three news stories since it opened: one in March to publicize the evening with Anthony Capraricaone in April on the occasion of concert of the Carabinieri Fanfare and one today, for the event “The long night of the Churches”.

Even more serious is the fact that throughout the month of Maya crucial period for the Legnano Paliothe flagship event that the Foundation should promote by all means, no update has been posted.

This disservice is unacceptable, especially in light of the importance that the Palio di Legnano has for our city. The month of May is the culminating moment for this historic event, and the people of the Contrada, the enthusiasts, the citizens and, why not, the tourists expect a continuous flow of information and updates to be able to organize and participate actively.

The Foundation’s failure to communicate not only betrays users’ expectations, but also frustrates the declared objective of “ever greater capillarity of communication”, as stated in the press release issued by the same body. If the WhatsApp channel is to be a point of reference for updates, it is essential that it is managed carefully and consistently, especially during periods of increased activity.

I therefore ask the Palio di Legnano Foundation to review and improve the management of the WhatsApp channel, so that it can truly become a useful and reliable tool for all those who passionately follow the Palio and the other promoted initiatives.
I hope that my report can lead to an improvement in the service and greater attention to user needs.

Thank you for your attention and for the space you wish to dedicate to this letter of mine.
Best regards,
Signed letter

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