Italy 24 Press News

already surpassed 2023 in terms of number of fires

In the first 5 months of 2024, there were more fires in Sicily compared to the previous year. The firefighting plan starts early.

A disastrous summer for Sicily in 2023, which ended with thousands of hectares of land in flamesvictims and damages for millions of euros, around 240. A situation that led to the Region this year to anticipate fire prevention plans, to learn from their mistakes and not find themselves in another hell as happened last year.

One reason that explains this increase is certainly the drought. In fact, the lack of rainfall played a crucial role in the duration of the fires in periods of the year where greater amounts of rainfall were certainly expected. In 2023, however, the rain helped stop a good part of the fires in the first months of the year, until spring.

The surge also concerns the duration of the fires, which have so far totaled 58 compared to 44 in the first six months of 2023. In total, 174 hectares of land have gone up in smoke, compared to 75 in 2032.

This is why for a few weeks now forestry workers have returned to duty earlier than the traditional period, to deal with an emergency which, if not contained, risks causing even more damage than last year.

Fire Brigade (AnsaFoto) –

Plans to prevent fires

The negative part, however, concerns the number of forestry workerswhich at this time are the same as last year and as in 2023 have a limited range of action. Meanwhile, the average age remains very high, 57 years. Their preparation is more aimed at prevention than shutdown, another worrying sign in the event of an emergency.

The vehicles are still late in terms of preparation. In fact, the helicopters and Canadair that should have entered the Region’s fleet have not yet arrived in Sicily, due to a tender that the Giornale di Sicilia today defines as “deserted”.

The tankers instead they are increasing in number thanks to a contract which in three years has resulted in the purchase of 120 new vehicles ready for this summer. A strengthened fire prevention system in Sicily, so to speak, but with many flaws and prevention by mayors and municipalities will play a key role. The concern of the first citizens of the Sicilian centers is not lacking, especially regarding the operations to secure areas at risk of private individuals, which will have to be requested by the respective Municipalities.

Weeds, brushwood, in short, the first ones teams of workers they went into action to create firebreaks and to fix abandoned areas, but as mentioned, private individuals will play a fundamental role.

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