Italy 24 Press News

«5G antenna risk in the historic center» – Teramo

ANCARANO. «The risk of the 5G antenna being installed in the historic center of Ankaran is real. We are awaiting the outcome of the appeal presented by Iliad following the refusal for the installation by the Municipality of Ancarano. I am worried about the effects of a 5G antenna on the population and in particular on children who attend school”, says the outgoing and re-nominated mayor of Ancarano, Angelo Panichi, and continues: «They would be exposed for nine months of the year for five hours a day. There are no scientific studies that demonstrate the absence of risks. Furthermore, the proximity of the antenna to the school could push parents not to enroll their children, nullifying all the efforts that the administration is making to avoid closing classes, which up to now it has managed to avoid.”
The outgoing mayor is anxious that the Council of State might, on the merits, reject the ordinance of the Abruzzo Regional Administrative Court which had rejected Iliad’s appeal for the installation of a radio link. The Municipality of Ancarano had rejected the proposal for two sites outside the town centre, just as Mayor Panichi had said “no” to the roof of the town hall, which practically borders the school. The regional Superintendency had also given a negative opinion. Now, however, the risk lies in the decision of the appellate judges as well as in the willingness of a private individual to provide the company with the roof of its own building. For Iliad, in the appeal, the reasons for the institution’s refusal are weak and therefore the company hopes that the Council of State will reform the TAR order. (adp)

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