Italy 24 Press News

«Work and dignity»: the long procession to defend a thousand places at Abramo Customer Care

CATANZARO “Work and dignity”: this was the slogan that marked the demonstration of the workers of Abramo Customer Care who reached the Tom center in Catanzaro with a procession that brought together and reunited three groups of workers who started from the offices of Settingiano, Crotone and Montalto Uffugo. The mobilization, in which around 400 of the thousand workers of Abramo Customer Care participated, was promoted by Slc Cgil, Fistel Cisl, Uilcom Uil and Ugl Telecommunications to draw the attention first of all of the institutions, primarily the government, and then of Tim on the concrete risk that over a thousand Calabrian workers will end up without a job due to the overall crisis in the call center sector and the end of orders for Abramo Customer care. In fact, the last extension of the contract with Tim also expires at the end of June and therefore the future for workers is full of uncertainties, tensions and worries. The unions reiterate the need for the government, and specifically the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, to convene a national table open to all parties to find a solution, considering that – as has been highlighted by the unions – “the project of the Region of relocating workers through their retraining in terms of digitalisation is certainly interesting but it is not achievable in the short term”.

Obviously there was no shortage of appeals to the Calabrian political class to act as spokespersons for the requests of the Abramo Customer Care workers, just as there was no shortage of criticism of the Calabrian parliamentary delegation, accused by some trade unionists of having so far been timid and passive on the dispute. The leaders of CGIL also requested the urgent convening of the national table. CISL and UIL Landini, Sbarra and Bombardieri. According to what the unions reported, 50 cars left Crotone, and around twenty respectively from Catanzaro and Montalto Uffugo. The mayor of Catanzaro, Nicola Fiorita, and the mayor of Crotone, Vincenzo Voce, also brought their solidarity to the demonstration at the Tim Center in the capital. (approx)

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