Italy 24 Press News

Two Roman roads and contemporary finds emerge during works in Piazza Visconti in Rho. Cardo and decumanus crossed here

The excavations that have been underway for weeks now for the regeneration of Piazza Visconti are bringing to light other archaeological finds, after the medieval pilings and the cattle bones found two months ago. The bulldozers made it possible to discover how the Roman road continued and formed a crossroads. Apparently, therefore, the intersection between the cardo maximus and decumanus supporting axes, which for a long time was thought to be in front of the church of San Vittore where the square of the same name stands today, would be found more or less in front of the main access of Villa Banfi, formerly Villa Visconti, to then reach via De Amicis. Which may require an update of the city’s history and new studies.

The CEV – Studio di Archeologia company, which operates under the constant supervision of the Superintendence of Fine Arts on behalf of the Municipality of Rho, has deployed a team currently made up of six experts: they are cleaning the entire stretch and cataloging every find. During these operations, a horseshoe and fragments of the rim of a cart wheel emerged: elements that reinforce the idea of ​​a point in the territory crossed by horses and carts, a theme that recurs in the wheel at the center of the coat of arms of Rho. A perimeter wall flanked by a well emerged parallel to the apse of the church; it seems it could have delimited the area owned by the villa when it was built in 1669.

Past excavations, carried out to ensure underground services useful to homes in the area, have already damaged the road in some places. The legibility of the route is poor to non-expert eyes, but based on the construction techniques the lowest level of the road could be attributed to Roman times. Archaeologists are documenting all the material that has emerged to prepare a detailed report. When everything has been georeferenced and monitored according to the most modern techniques, it will be possible to cover the road in order to preserve the finds and the work carried out and guarantee the continuation of the planned works.

There are three overlapping construction layers: one from the Roman era, one late Roman, one medieval.

The Municipality of Rho is preparing to organize in-depth opportunities for those interested in learning more, also given the interest of local schools. Taking into account the need to guarantee safety to the public, guided tours are being organized around the edges of the construction site.
Four guided tours are scheduled for the morning on Saturday 22 June: at 9.00, 10.00, 11.00 and 12.00. You must register using the following link:

The appointment will be in front of the Town Hall in Piazza Visconti 23 ten minutes before the time of the chosen visit. In the future, the experts’ report and the photographic material will be the subject of exhibitions and events open to the public, of which we will communicate appropriately.

The Administration continues to pay the utmost attention to the conservation of the findings that have emerged. We proceed exclusively according to the indications of the Superintendence.

Rho, one of the oldest inhabited centers in Lombardy, boasts a history that has its roots in Roman antiquity, as evidenced by the numerous archaeological finds that emerged during excavations that took place over the centuries. Dating back to Roman times, these findings, dated to the excavations of 1876, 1890 and 1917, have shed light on the presence and importance of Rho since the times of the Empire.

The city, included in the ancient administrative organization of the Royal XI Transpadana, still retains evident traces of the Roman road organization. The current roads largely follow the course of the ancient Roman roads, orienting themselves mainly in an East-West and North-South direction, following the route of the Roman centuriation.

Among the most significant finds is the Via Mediolanum-Verbannus, an important road artery that connected Milan to Verbano, passing through Legnano and Gallarate, with Rho acting as a strategic stopping point, representing the tenth mile along the route. To facilitate trade along this route, the ancient Romans diverted the course of the Olona river to Lucernate, creating an artificial canal that followed the route of the route, allowing a greater flow of goods thanks to river transport.

The Christian presence in Rho has been documented since the 4th and 5th centuries, as demonstrated by the finds found in various areas of the city. In particular, the remains of an ancient cemetery and a Christian chapel emerged in Piazza San Vittore, while in Via Belvedere Capuchin tombs were found, some of which bear engravings of the Alpha and Omega, Christian symbols. These findings confirm the deep rooting of Christianity in the social and religious fabric of Rho since the first centuries of the Christian era.

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