Italy 24 Press News

Agrigento, celebrated the 210th anniversary of the foundation of the Carabinieri

Inside the Archaeological Park of the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, with the prestigious setting of the Temple of Concordia, the traditional ceremony was held yesterday to celebrate the 210th anniversary of the Foundation of the Carabinieri. An event of great significance which saw a training company made up of a platoon of carabinieri in full special uniform, a platoon in service uniform and a third platoon made up of station commanders and carabinieri of the various specialties deployed on the field.

The civil, military and religious authorities of the province, the banners of the city of Agrigento and the Free Municipal Consortium and the mayors of the Agrigento municipalities took part in the ceremony, together with representatives of the professional associations of a trade union nature and the National Carabinieri Association. The Event, which celebrated the 210th anniversary of the foundation of the Carabinieri, represents a solemn moment to renew the values ​​of legality, justice and closeness to citizens that have always distinguished the Institution. An opportunity to enhance the historical identity of the Army and reaffirm the constant commitment to protecting security and the common good.

Founded on 13 July 1814 by Vittorio Emanuele I, the Carabinieri represents a pillar of courage and dedication, which over time has played a crucial role in the protection of communities. The name “Carabinieri” derives from the Arma, the rifle, which had been supplied to the military since the formation of the Corps. This detail underlines the importance of the role of law and security guardians. Throughout history, the Carabinieri have demonstrated their value, contributing to the defense of our country in the first and second conflicts and participating in the resistance struggle. Precisely this year we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the massacre of the Martyrs of Fiesole, Alberto La Rocca, Vittorio Marandola and Fulvio Sbarretti, three partisan carabinieri, in their early twenties who, having boldly escaped the searches of the German enemy, had learned that ten Fiesole citizens had been taken hostage to be shot if they had not presented themselves to the German command. Even though they were aware of the fate that awaited them, they did not hesitate to hand themselves over to the Nazis to save the lives of the hostages, knowingly facing death by firing squad.

The Carabinieri is an Armed Force and, therefore, contributes to the integrated defense of the national territory, ensuring the national contribution also to the activities promoted by the international community, aimed at the reconstitution and restoration of the operation of the police forces in crisis areas. It is also a Military Police Force with general competence and permanent public security service and as such is committed to carrying out all activities to protect public order and security, from territorial control to public order services, to protection of the widespread interests of the community to which highly specialized departments are dedicated for safety in the fields of health, hygiene and food adulteration; forestry, environmental and agri-food; work and social legislation; of the national archaeological, historical, artistic and cultural heritage. The Minister of Defense in his greeting message defined the Carabinieri as “Shield of legality and safety”.

The ceremony began with the solemnity of the national anthem, performed by the students of the Empedocle classical and musical high school, and continued with the reading of the institutional message of the President of the Republic and the agenda of the commander general.

The provincial commander of the Carabinieri, in his speech, underlined the bond that unites the Carabinieri to the Agrigento community, recalling the sacrifice of Marshal Guazzelli, gold medal for Civil Valor killed by mafia crime. The fight against organized crime remains a priority objective, which is accompanied by the idea of ​​multidimensional security, oriented towards combating predatory crime, but also gender violence, reaching the point of including all sectors of specialist intervention that can contribute to improving quality of citizens’ lives, from the protection of work to the protection of the environment, health, landscape and cultural heritage.

A particularly touching moment was the presentation of the awards to the carabinieri who distinguished themselves in service operations, with the awarding of the traditional “Prize”Plaque Pinned Allotta” to the memory of Lieutenant Lucio Cafiero, former Commander of the Montaperto Station, who recently passed away due to a serious illness, with the recognition of having been able to interpret the figure of the “Station Commander”, as a point of reference for assistance, dialogue and reassurance for the citizens. Commendation granted to Major Luigi Pacifico and to lieutenants Agostino Esposito, Nicola Colombo, Alessandro Costa Salvatore Grassadonio, Vincenzo Iorio and Michele Iovine and to Brigadier Giuseppe Azzolino «for having coordinated and participated in investigative activities which ended with the arrest of 4 people, responsible for robbery against three people over eighty”. Certificate of merit granted to lieutenant colonel Luigi Balestra, to lieutenant Giovanni Preite, to marshals Francesco Santoro, Giuseppe Gelo, Vincenzo Merlino, Carmelo Rotulo and Carmelo Turone, to vice brigadier Cataldo Salvati and to officer Antonio Piro for «a complex activity of investigation which ended with the arrest and reporting of numerous people for mafia-type association. Certificate of merit granted to Deputy Brigadier Massimo Mezzina and Carabiniere Marco Maiorino because «having intervened in a jewelery shop where an attempted robbery was taking place by a criminal armed with a pistol, they managed to disarm the bandit who, holding the loaded weapon , held two employees hostage, averting the worst.”

The evening ended with a musical performance by Maestro Salvatore Galante, created thanks to the Archaeological Park of the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, which gave the audience a moment of great emotion, culminating with the final performance of the Mameli Hymn .

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