Italy 24 Press News

Bees invade Piazza Aldo Moro in Treviso, looking for a home but are sucked in by a beekeeper

TREVISO – Swarm of bees in Aldo Moro square: fear among those present but the beekeeper intervenes. This morning, June 6th, extraordinary “aspiration” operation of a huge group of bees who, while looking for a place to stop to make their own hive, stopped in an advertising sign in the clearing right next to the central Piazza dei Signori. After the report of some passers-by, the local police intervened and cordoned off and made Piazzetta Aldo Moro safe. For a few moments, just the time of the cleanup operation, it was also vehicular traffic of city buses stopped of Mom, the only vehicles that pass through that area. The intervention of a beekeeper was requested, the situation was resolved within a few minutes. The beekeeper “vacuumed” the bees with a special tool and taken away the swarm which will be released in a protected area.

“Assault” on the bar table

It is not the first time that a swarm of bees in Treviso has worried residents and passers-by.

About two years ago, the same situation arose in Piazza Duomo where the insects had “clung” to a bar table. Also in this case the intervention of a beekeeper was necessary.

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