Italy 24 Press News

Underpass, the tender for the Il Tirreno works in July

VIAREGGIO. Over 7 million (7 million and 200 thousand euros) to build the underpass in via San Francesco, a pedestrian and cycle path. It is the new economic plan approved by the Municipality of Viareggio in conjunction with the green light for the executive project. Both the economic plan and the executive plan were created for the Mover company by the planning group established between Città Futura of Lucca, as agent, and Cooprogetti of Gubbio, as principal.

In resolution number 1162 of 31 May (Municipality of Viareggio) it is recalled: «For the implementation of the intervention for a total amount of 7 million and 200 thousand euros, spending commitments were made in favor of Mover Spa on the 2024 financial year budget for the sum of 5 million and 436,132.21 euros”. It is therefore “necessary to commit further sums totaling one million and 764,067.79 euros to Mover”.

In last week’s meeting, the councilor Federico Pierucci announced for the month of July the tender to entrust the construction works of the underpass that will connect the suburbs to the city center, replacing the historic walkway over the railway tracks, which was destroyed in the train disaster of 29 June 2009 which caused 32 victims, over 100 injuries and destroyed a portion of the Terminetto neighbourhood. Part of the sum necessary to build the underpass comes from the compensation to the Municipality of Viareggio, deriving from the amount due for the railway disaster.

At the moment, the data and renderings available are still those contained in the preliminary design document, drawn up by Mover, a company which brings together the Municipality of Viareggio and Impresa Del Pistoia, and which is the contracting authority for the work for the executive design, the award and execution.” Even if the planning of the work comes from a long time ago now. So much so that in Mover’s document reference is made to the information recovered «from the executive project approved by the Municipality of Viareggio with council resolution number 925 of 28 December 2007».

In the preliminary design document, the intervention is described as follows: «The routes were designed to be separate both above and below ground. In fact, cycles will be able to use ramps 2 meters wide with an 8% gradient while pedestrians will be able to use comfortable stairs, 1.50 meters wide. Inside the underpass, the routes will remain divided by horizontal signs so that there is no interference between cyclists and pedestrians.”

The useful internal height will be 2.50 metres, for a width of 4 metres, of which 2.5 are dedicated to the cycle path and 1.50 meters to the pedestrian path.

The project also specifies that «great importance will be given to safety by installing video surveillance systems for all 24 hours and equipping the accesses with timed closures such as to keep the crossing closed at night and in any case according to needs».

As regards the works, it is explained, “the construction phases will start from via Porta Pietrasanta and will subsequently also affect via San Francesco”.

The work – the Mover document assures – «will have a very low environmental and landscape impact on the existing buildings».

As regards the timing, the forecast is 480 natural and consecutive construction days, starting from the date of the work delivery report.

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