Italy 24 Press News

Sicily, she argues with her husband and pushes him off a bridge: 48 year old in serious condition


A 58-year-old woman made an attempt on her husband’s life by pushing him off the bridge they were on at the time of the argument.

It happened near Aspra, a hamlet of Bagheria (PA), the quarrel between husband and wife which this time put the man’s life at risk.

According to the reconstructions of the authorities, the two were in the car when the argument began, perhaps triggered by the imminent separation already envisaged by the couple, they subsequently got out of the vehicle to continue arguing. Precisely at this point, having reached the height of anger, the woman would have pushed her husband towards the precipice overlooked by the bridge where they were, without railings and overlooking the Palermo coast.

The 48-year-old man fell from a height of 5 metres serious fractures, transported to the Civic hospital in Palermo under code red; at the moment, however, his life does not appear to be in danger.

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