Italy 24 Press News

“We are future citizens”, the Cassano school board elected –

The second part of the project “We are future citizens” of the Cassano primary school was focused on the citizens and the city of Bitonto, and experienced several moments, all carried out on Saturday.
L’May 11th in the agora of our school there was a meeting with the traffic policeaccompanied by the councilor Cosimo Bonasia, And with Civil Protection volunteers. They take care of the protection of the city of Bitonto and its safety. They come into action on serious occasions that cannot be managed by citizens, such as fires, earthquakes or other disasters.
The May 18thinstead, we met Michele Castellano, a citizen who helped Bitonto become beautiful in its aesthetic appearance. This idea was born in 2017 on the occasion of “Open Courtyards”, when this gentleman noticed some abandoned planters next to Porta Baresana and decided to plant others. Little by little, like an “infection”, even the residents of some streets of the ancient village intervened to beautify their living places and the Streets of Flowers.
Then we met Vito D’Alessandro which collects reports of problems in our city and transfers them to the Municipality, and which exercises a policy of respect and protection of the environment also using social media. He showed us a film and invited us to never throw waste on the streets.
And finally we met Anna Verriellowho photographs the most beautiful moments of our city and the smiles, and reminded us that, before her, our master Carmelo Bacco did something similar.
The May 25th we carried out a visit to the area which started from the courtyard of our school where our principal Saverio PansinI, who is a professor of art history, explained to us many interesting things about the meaning of the market for people as a place of purchase but also of socialization and aggregation. Crossing via Matteotti, we stopped on the steps of the Annunziata church in the reborn Piazza XX Settembre, where there are the remains of an ancient tower which has now been closed. Slowly our large group of 120 people reached Piazza Caduti del terrorism, another of the redeveloped squares of Bitonto, and we met Michele Castellano who led us to via Sant’Andrea, one of the Strade dei Fiori. In Fortinguerra square, looking at the blade, we had a snack and in the meantime a little rain came but it didn’t discourage us and we arrived in the atrium of the former archbishop’s residence where we took shelter under an arch and then arrived in Cathedral square where we played, sang and danced led by our teacher Rosanna Sifanno. The morning ended with the thought and certainty that we live in a beautiful city.
The May 31st The electoral campaign began with the rallies of the candidates for the School Council, of which there were 32 representing all the fourth classes. When my turn came I picked up the microphone and looked around. I was on the steps of my school and I saw many children looking at me and I got scared. My heart was pounding. Despite the tension, I managed to explain all my ideas and so did everyone else.
The June 1st it was the voting day. We were called to the polls on a day not chosen at random but close to Republic Day on June 2nd, the celebration of Democracy and Freedom.
We went down to the agora, which was transformed with the table where there were two children who acted as scrutineers and the voting booth, the real one used for grown-up elections. Formed in line, we crossed the threshold of the voting booth just like our parents do when they go to vote. First we gave our identity card to the scrutineers and they gave us a pen and the ballot paper where we marked the candidates we had chosen with one or two crosses. After voting, we were each given our ID cards back and we went to our seats to wait for everyone to finish. It was very significant, also because the mayor came to witness the voting operations Francesco Paolo Riccithe deputy mayor Marianna Legista and the councillor Christian Farella.
The last act took place on 3 June. Everyone in the agora, sitting on the floor. The ballot box was opened and the teachers divided the voted ballots into classes. Then teacher Bacco read the preferences while the teachers wrote the votes on cards. In the end the Cassano school board was elected and proclaimed, made up of 5 boys and 5 girls: Emma Pellegrino, Francis Putignano, Nicolas Labianca, Angela Sblendorio, Gaetano Lacetera, Simona Rutigliano, Gaia Amendolara, Giuseppe Tota, Veronica Beltrani, Samuele Palladino.
A very emotional moment with some tears and sorrow from the losers.

Our narrative ends here. Thanks to everyone but especially to the journalist Mariella Vitucci and to the entire BitontoLive editorial team who gave us voice, feedback and expression.

Next year will see us here again, with this project. With Democracy agitated in our hands.

Text written jointly by students Miriam Galeno, Francesca Lisi, Fabrizio Traversa, Simona Rutigliano, Emma Pellegrino, Elisa Lovascio, Greta Papapicco, Samuele Palladino, Gabriele Ciocia.

Photo of the students Silvia Ribatti and Francesca Pia Bucci.

Wednesday 5 June 2024


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