Italy 24 Press News

Andria: from the Last Supper to the Addams Family: also tributes to Tim Burton and Leonardo for the “Extemporary painting and sculpture” organized by the “G. Colasanto” Art School

Yesterday Tuesday 4 June, the city of Andria celebrated the Student Art and Creativity Day through an event organized by the head teacher of the Liceo Artistico “G. Colasanto” of Andria – prof. Cosimo Antonino Strazzeri – by the school manager of the Graphic Art, Photography and Territory Project Silvia D’Avanzo and by the councilor for Roots Caesar Troy with the mayor Giovanna Bruno. The initiative saw the exhibition of numerous works of art created by the talented students of the Andria institute, also accompanied by artistic representations of various types:

From 10.00 am to 9.00 pm viale Crispi and via Regina Margherita they were animated with extemporaneous drawing, painting and sculpture sessions, with exhibitions of graphic/pictorial, sculptural and photographic works set up in various points by the high school students as well as interactive games and photo shoots along the pedestrian area. Among the various representations, even an original living reinterpretation of the masterpiece of “Cenacle” (also known as “Last dinner“) Of Leonardo and homages to cinematic pop culture, with great attention to the films of the popular American director Tim Burton:

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The students of the Art High School, dressed as living works of art and characters from Burton’s films, animated the two pedestrian areas, attracting the curiosity of adults and especially children. In this regard, we provide the link below video created by

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