Italy 24 Press News

Padua, unisex queue at the European polls so as not to embarrass transgenders. The League on the attack: «Absurd decision»

OfFranco Stefanoni

After Milan, the Veneto municipality also invites seat presidents to be inclusive. The League: «Deeply indignant, absurd indication»

The Municipality of Padua, after that of Milan, has also established that at the polling stations on 8 and 9 June for the European elections, only single lines are preferable for those waiting to go to the booth, and therefore no longer divided between men and women . This, it was explained, is to avoid embarrassing transgender people, i.e. those who are changing their birth sex and those who do not recognize themselves as either males or females.

The Padua handbook has been distributed to the presidents of the polling stations (who will however be able to decide whether to join or not). “Without prejudice that the lists by law are divided into males and females, we invite you not to divide between the ranks so as not to create difficulties for those people whose appearance does not correspond to the registered gender indicated on the official, or transition, documents.” According to Francesca Benciolini, councilor for registry services: “They let us know that these are citizens who don’t go to the polls precisely to avoid these uncomfortable situations.” The centre-right is clearly against it. Northern League councilor Ubaldo Lonardi said he was “deeply indignant, it’s an absurd indication”.

The decision of the Municipality of Padua led by Sergio Giordani closely follows that of the Municipality of Milan led by Beppe Sala. Also in this case the invitation to the presidents was to be as inclusive as possible at the polling stations during the voting operations. To be carried out in a “serene” way: “Regardless of the age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion or origin” of the voters.

June 5, 2024 (changed June 5, 2024 | 11:24)


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