Italy 24 Press News

390 families excluded from the public housing tender. Raffaele to SQ “Hurry up!”

Foggia. In Foggia, a social drama is taking place silently, involving hundreds of families who find themselves facing an extremely precarious housing situation. Among these, the story of Caracozzo Raffaele Luigi emerges as a symbol of the difficulties that many citizens are experiencing.

Raffaele Luigi, born and resident in Foggia, is the father of seven children, three of whom are 100% disabled, as required by paragraph 3 of the regulations in force. Recently, Raffaele and his family were excluded from the ranking for the assignment of a public house due to a signature problem. A bureaucratic detail that had devastating consequences, excluding them from the possibility of obtaining a home suited to their needs.

Raffaele’s lawyer, Vincenzo Paglia, took charge of the file and confirmed that all the documentation complied with the regulations. Despite this, the family continues to live in conditions of serious hardship. The economic difficulties worsened to the point that they were unable to pay the rent, and they received an eviction. The situation is further complicated by the special needs of the children: one follows the ABA program, while another attends the CAT of Lucera, requiring specific care and attention which entails additional costs.

This case, however dramatic, is not isolated. Like the Caracozzo family, another 390 families were excluded from the 2021-2022 public housing tender. This is a social emergency that requires urgent intervention by local institutions. The exclusion of so many families represents a problem that goes beyond simple bureaucracy, affecting the fundamental right to have a safe and dignified home.


Raffaele, as a free citizen, believes that it is his right to be heard by the competent authorities. You therefore requested an interview to convey your message directly to the mayor of Foggia. It is essential that the mayor takes seriously the situation of these families, who every day live with the anguish of not having a safe roof over their heads.

Raffaele’s appeal is clear: the institutions must intervene immediately to review the procedures for assigning public housing. No bureaucratic detail should deprive families of their fundamental rights. The urgency of an intervention is dictated by the need to guarantee a dignified future not only for his family, but for all those who find themselves in a similar situation.

Despite the enormous difficulties, Raffaele always tried to deal with the situation peacefully. However, the current situation is pushing him to the limit. He can no longer allow the vital needs of his children and all other excluded families to be ignored. For now, he will continue to make his voice heard in a civilized manner, but he is ready to resort to extreme actions if necessary to guarantee a dignified future for his family.

This appeal is aimed at the sensitivity and responsibility of the institutions. Families like Raffaele’s deserve to be listened to and receive the support they need to live in dignified conditions. We hope that the cry for help does not go unheard and that a quick and effective solution can be found to this housing emergency. We thank you in advance for your attention and look forward to positive and timely feedback. The families of Foggia cannot be left alone in this time of need. Institutions must act now to ensure a better future for all“, say other citizens of Foggia.

If we find ourselves faced with 2 thousand requests in Foggia and its province in the face of just 40 properties built, it is a difficult situation to resolvewe need to plan and intervene urgently”, the lawyer Vincenzo Paglia, of the Foggia Bar, tells

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