Italy 24 Press News

Crotone, Abramo CC employees in the square: collection of voter ID cards has begun against uncertainty about the future

Since yesterday evening, in Piazza della Resistenza, the workers of the Pythagorean headquarters of the Abramo Customer Care company have set up a gazebo and started a collection of electoral cards, as a sign of protest against the uncertainty about their working future. The employees of the Pythagorean site have decided not to go to vote, as a symbolic act of disapproval and at the same time asking the Crotone community to be at their side. “Everyone can leave their ballot paper here, which we will deliver to the Prefecture,” they declared in unison. “No one is forced, nor should anyone feel obligated to do so. It is a free and spontaneous choice.”

The decision to start the collection of electoral cards arose at the end of the assembly of last May 31st, following what emerged from the prefectural table of Catanzaro on May 29th, where even the president of the Region, Roberto Occhiuto, admitted impotence of local institutions towards TIM and the Government. The Calabrian governor’s proposal to finance a regional digitalisation project with funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), which could have absorbed Abramo CC employees, was rejected.

Abramo employees try to gain clarity on their future, which appears increasingly uncertain. This difficult situation does not only involve individual workers, but also their families. The appeals launched invite professional associations, neighborhood committees and citizens to support their cause: “Today, we no longer know what cry to shout to be heard, and we hope so until the end. We don’t know if the extension of this Tim contract has arrived. Tim is a company also owned by the State, so it should be in the interest of politicians at a national level to resolve this issue, because the loss of a thousand jobs in Calabria is harmful to the entire region.”

On June 6th, a mobilization is planned towards the Tim plant in Catanzaro. “None of us are calm, we have lost any kind of hope. We continue to work despite our moods. Even within the family we try to maintain a certain balance, but the situation is starting to wear out even these balances themselves”, stated the workers.

The initiative aims to involve the entire territory and to make people understand how the loss of jobs of employees at the Crotone site will have repercussions on the economy of the entire territory.

The collection of electoral cards will continue until this evening in Piazza della Resistenza.

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