Italy 24 Press News

Siena, canteen workers on strike. The unions: “Inadequate wages, the contract should be renewed”

On the canteens, the reaction of the world of trade unions to the about-face of the employers’ associations was also felt in Siena, with a sit-in by the trade unions of CGIL, CISL and UIL in front of the Prefecture.

The mobilization was part of a national strike that organizations called today throughout Italy. The protest was triggered by the decision of the two representatives of the collective catering companies Avir and Angem: when in fact everything seemed done for the renewal of the sector contracts, which have been suspended since 2021, they left the national negotiations table, warning the participants from undertake any determination for the sub-fund.

A choice that risks impacting the lives of 200 Sienese workers, the majority of whom are women: “They are not guaranteed anything in terms of wages or regulations. We remember that this is a sector where health is also put at risk due to environmental conditions and rhythms”, highlighted Samuele Bernardini, secretary of Filcams Cgil Siena.

Among the requests of the trade union organizations is also that of arriving at an increase, upon closing of the contract, of 200 euros per month for the salaries of those who work in university, school or company canteens.

“For three years, workers have not had an adequate wage for the cost of living. The employers’ requests are to postpone this decision to 2026. We consider it unacceptable,” says Marco Brogi of Fisascat Cisl of Siena

The vice prefect Immacolata Amalfitano received the unions in the Government Palace. “The two trade associations have not withdrawn from the negotiation but they also warn the other associations against a dignified renewal. This is not acceptable. And we must represent the responsibility not taken by companies”

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