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Van hits group of cyclists on Provincial Road 51 Scoglitti-Gela: at least one dead in the accident

A died and at least two injured: this is the current toll of theaccident occurred on the road Provincial 51 Scoglitti-Gelawhere a van has invested a group of cyclists amateurs who was traveling along the coast road. Police forces on site for investigations.

Van hits group of cyclists

It happened today morning – Tuesday 4 June 2024 – a accident on Provincial Road 51which connects Gela (Caltanissetta) to the Macconi district area and to Scoglitti (Ragusa), in Sicily.

A post of condolence for the death of Raffaele Mazza, who died in an accident after a van hit the group of cyclists with whom he was cycling on the Provincial 51 Scoglitti-Gela

According to the first information gathered so far, a van proceeding along the provincial road hit a group of cyclists which traveled along the coastal road coming from Gela.

The heavy vehicle therefore has overwhelmed the group and the impact, which would have been very violent, caused the death of one of the cyclists and the serious injury of at least two others.

Rescue workers on Provincial Road 51 Scoglitti-Gela

Following the clash, the medical personnel of the 118 of Caltanissetta arrived on the scene, rushed with two ambulances, the police forces, the Anas and the mayor of Mazzarrone, Giovanni Spatamunicipality from which the group of cyclists came.

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However, the health workers who rushed to the scene were unable to do anything for one of the cyclists, Raffaele Mazza, a now retired banker resident in Mazzarrone (Catania), who following the impact was apparently thrown first against the guard rail and subsequently onto the ground alongside the street. The man was pronounced dead at the scene.

However, two other cyclists were transported to hospital under code red, were seriously injured in the accident. One of the two is believed to be a seventy-year-old from Comiso (Ragusa), who was transferred to Catania with the help of the air ambulance.

Condolences for the man who died in the accident

The police forces arrived immediately the stretch of road closed to trafficto allow rescuers to intervene safely and to carry out all the necessary measurements to reconstruct the dynamics, while the queues increase on the section of the provincial road affected by the accident.

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As reported by Ragusa Today even the mayor of Mazzarrone, Giovanni Spata, went to the site of the accident in which one of his fellow villagers died: “We are losing an exemplary fellow citizen, a good person and a dear friend” said the mayor.

“I have always known him, also because we are neighbours. It is a day of great pain for Mazzarrone, for the many who knew him and loved him. We all sympathize with the family’s great sorrow” Mayor Spata then concluded.

Photo source: 123RF

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