Italy 24 Press News

fined players for taking off their shirts

Not only the humiliation of being forced to carry out the gesture, but also the mockery of the fine. The Lega Pro Sports Judge has imposed a fine on the players of the Crotone forced to take off their shirts – from the ultras – at the end of the playoff match lost in Picerno. In addition to this, also the inhibition to SLO Antonio Zizza.

The facts

The official press release from the Sports Judge reviews the facts and then lists the sanctions. “At the end of the match in question, the supporters of the Crotone club demanded that the players of their team do so stripped of the shirts worn as they were not worthy of wearing them. On this occasion, the SLO of the Club, Mr. Antonio Zizza, first allowed the players to get close to the fans and then, in compliance with what was requested by them, invited them to leave the shirts they were wearing on the ground”.

“The players, as identified following the outcome of the requested supplementary investigations, have, for their part, fulfilled the request made to them, also requested by the SLO of their club. In the opinion of the judge, the behavior of both the SLO and the players violates the provision of article 25, paragraph 9, as they had conversations for a significant period of time with the supporters while the same insulted them and railed in the towards them and complied with the intimidating and denigrating request to take off the shirts they were wearing”.

“In evaluating the behavior of the members respectively, this judge believes that the conduct of the SLO is characterized by a different severity compared to that of the players. In this regard, it is worth noting that the function of the SLO, among others, is to prevent the verification of facts similar to those being evaluated today. Furthermore, from the players’ unanimous statements, it emerges that he invited them to continue the behavior ascertained.”

“On the other hand, the players’ conduct can be considered, on the one hand, integrative of the disputed case (for the reasons set out above) but, on the other, characterized by less seriousness, as the conduct adopted was also requested by the SLO , although in clear violation of the art. 25 cited”.

The sanctions

“For the reasons set out, this Judge therefore believes it necessary to impose, in application of articles 4, 25 paragraph 9, 13 paragraph 2, the following sanctions”.

“At the expense of soccer players of the Crotone Club who left their shirt in the playing area, as specified below, the fine of €500 of fine: Francesco D’Alterio, Gulliaume Rene Gigiotti, Guido Gomez, Vancius Negro Di Stefano, Giuseppe Loiacono, Alessio Tribuzzi, Marco Tumminello, Andrea Dini, Lucas Felippe, Gianmario Comi, Niccolò Zanellato, Dimitar Kostadinov, Andrea D’Errico, Raffaele Cantisani, Andrea Rispoli”.

“At the expense of Delegate for relations with fans of the Company in Crotone, Mr. Antonio Zizza the sanction of the inhibition to carry out any activity within the FIGC, to hold federal positions and to represent the club in the federal sphere until 1 July 2024″.

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