Italy 24 Press News

Terni: a year of Arma. «A social response is needed against drugs»

04 Jun 2024 13:51

On the occasion of the 210th anniversary of the foundation of the Carabinieri – official celebrations on Wednesday at 10.30 in Piazza Tacito -, the provincial commander, Colonel Antonio De Rosa, outlined the activities carried out in the last year, always in the spirit of « of closeness to the population, of maximum collaboration with citizens and institutions and also of constant training of our soldiers which is one of the keys to achieving the objectives we set ourselves.”

The Carabinieri were involved in several ‘hot’ fronts which, through the departments and thirty station commands located throughout the area, deal with over 70% of the crimes committed and reported in the province of Terni. This amount of work is signified by the ‘daily’ numbers: over 12 thousand reports to the emergency number 112, around 8 thousand interventions carried out, 16,366 control services with the use of 39,274 soldiers. For a total of 67,623 checks and, therefore, 166 arrests and 1,141 people reported.

But the repressive aspects, starting from the drugs front, are «only the last stage of a problem that is social – said Colonel De Rosa -. The drug addict is a sick person and the response, as well as being medical, is above all social. We need adequate policies and recovery paths, ours is only the last step in a chain that must function as a whole.” In the field of drugs, 36 arrests were carried out by the Carabinieri in the province of Terni in the last year, in addition to 87 complaints, 189 people – “of all ages and social classes” – reported as drug users and then the seizures: around 5 kilograms of cocaine, 5.6 of hashish, over a kilo of marijuana and other substances such as ‘red cocaine’, found for the first time in Umbria.

The ‘red codes’ – gender violence and more – have seen an increase, “a sign of greater attention to a completely new problem, but also of greater trust in the institutional bodies responsible for protecting the victims of such crimes”. In this sense, the collaboration between the provincial command of the Carabinieri and Soroptimist, which in recent years has led to the creation of the ‘Room for oneself’ where one can find a welcoming environment to outline one’s situation, is destined to continue and expand. In terms of predatory crimes – such as thefts, muggings, robberies, extortions, scams against the elderly – there were 9 arrests for theft, 109 reports and 10 people referred for robbery.

The dissemination and training work is part of this context «which allows us to reach the elderly in various parts of the territory (over 1,500 in the last year, editor’s note) to spread those elements of knowledge that are often decisive in order not to fall into traps». Training which also concerns young people (“and their collaboration is often fundamental for bringing crimes to light”) and schools: over 2,250 students participated in the meetings focused on the culture of legality and around 300 visited the Carabinieri departments located in the province.

However, the commitment of the Carabinieri, thanks also to the operational structures at regional and national level, also concerns very different areas. The protection of cultural heritage, with the latest operations which have made it possible to recover a precious altarpiece in Arrone and a 16th century manuscript in Giove. Health with the NAS soldiers who in the last year in the Terni area reported 27 people and seized assets worth 833 thousand euros. Work with the dedicated unit with 14 complaints, 33 suspensions of activities and fines of over 160 thousand euros. And then the forestry carabinieri: the Terni Group reported 66 people, raised fines of over 190 thousand euros, carried out 11 criminal seizures and sanctioned 586 citizens with 17 thousand checks carried out.

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