Italy 24 Press News

Corpus Domini celebration in Latina: large participation of faithful

The solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ took place on Sunday 2 June with a large participation of faithful in the cathedral of San Marco in Latina. The celebration was presided over by Bishop Mariano Crociata and concelebrated by various presbyters and deacons of the city.

The Celebration and the Procession

The solemn Eucharistic celebration had its culmination with the Corpus Domini procession, which started from the cathedral of San Marco, crossing Piazza del Popolo and arriving at the church of Santa Maria Goretti. During the procession, the faithful accompanied the Eucharist with songs and prayers, creating an atmosphere of intense devotion.

Blessing and Address of the Bishop

Once they reached the church of Santa Maria Goretti, Bishop Crociata imparted the Eucharistic blessing. Subsequently, Monsignor Crociata addressed a brief speech to those present, touching on highly topical issues such as the wars in Ukraine and in the Holy Land, as well as the upcoming European elections. His words invited the faithful to reflect on the value of peace and solidarity in a complex historical moment.

Feedback and Participation

The event saw significant participation from the local community, which once again demonstrated its profound attachment to religious traditions. The solemnity of Corpus Christi was not only a moment of prayer and reflection, but also an opportunity to reiterate the importance of unity and faith.

Video of the Celebration

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