Italy 24 Press News

Historic football in Florence, journalists in difficult and at risk positions. Ast writes to mayor Nardella

Historic football in Florence (Photo: ImagoEconomica/Fnsi)

Associations 04 Jun 2024

The president of the regional union, Sandro Bennucci: «Reporters unable to move, and therefore to work».

«Following the numerous reports from colleagues appointed by the respective newspapers to follow the historical Florentine football matches, in which situations of professional discomfort and even personal risks were reported for the positions to which they were assigned, the Press Association Toscana has decided to write to the mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, to inform him of the problem, inviting him to intervene to avoid even serious difficulties for those who follow the event exclusively for work reasons”. This can be read in a statement published by the Tuscany Press Association on its website on Tuesday 4 June 2024. Below is the full text of the letter signed by the president of Ast, Sandro Bennucci:

«Dear Mayor,

I am writing to report the uncomfortable conditions, both personal and professional, of the journalists accredited at historic football matches, relegated to a stand in the square on the side of the statue of Dante, unable to move and therefore to work.

That decentralized grandstand, from which you cannot access any other sector of the square, is located far from the grandstand where the people who normally provide information, news and interviews sit. But it gets worse: journalists are forced to write and take notes among the fans, in a climate often marked by animosity, where being identified as a journalist can also cause some problems from a security point of view.

I’m sorry, kind Mayor, to have to disturb you at this moment, but I invite you to provide adequate accommodation for those who provide information at least in view of the final scheduled for June 15th.

Thank you for your attention and I remain at your disposal for any further information or further information. Best regards.”


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