Italy 24 Press News

“Great concern, the Municipality should say something” –

“Concern and disappointment for the decision of the municipal administration of I knowspend the works contracted to the Edil Fera company – who is carrying out the work in the best possible way with a considerable commitment of people and means as well as always making himself available to meet the needs of traders and citizens to cause them as little inconvenience as possible – in Coldirodi square, without any notice to the inhabitants of the town and to the owners of commercial activities in the area. Which, four bars, a restaurant, a tobacconist, a newsagent, a butcher’s shop and a supermarket! It is clear that this choice has a negative impact on the life of the local community, leaving the town without a square for an indefinite time. Especially in the summer period, being a tourist country, also the most prolific period of work of the whole year”.

Thus begins the appeal to the Municipality of Sanremo launched by Nicholas Capurrocandidate for councilor with the list Sanremo Tomorrow Of Gianni Rolando, which intervenes on the suspension of the redevelopment works of Piazza San Sebastiano in Coldirodi. One of the interventions that the Municipality, thanks to the co-financing of the Liguria Region, has put in place to redo the look of the central areas of the hamlets.

The offices of Palazzo Bellevue assigned the intervention to ‘Edilfera’ which proposed a reduction of up to 262,500 euros starting from the initial 308 thousand. The suspension of the work was due to a bureaucratic issue on a work variant relating to underground services; an issue that could have been resolved in a few days but which in fact has paralyzed the work and the workers find themselves unable to work due to an administrative technicality.

“I wonder how long this suspension of work will last and why the councilor for public works – Capurro comments – nHe didn’t make himself heard about it“.

The project specifically involves the redevelopment of the area including the churchyard of the oratory of Sant’Anna, the small Piazzetta degli Stemmi and the monumental fountain with the creation of a large paved area at the level of the current sidewalks, as well as the creation of paths guidance for the blind through ‘loges’, new railings, seats, furniture for the square and bollards. On the side parallel to the continuous building and on the opposite side of the fountain, the paving of the driveway is also planned which will allow the creation of a continuous pedestrian space capable of connecting the different spaces of the square.

“I therefore ask for detailed explanations on this decision, concludes Nicholas Capurro, candidate for councilor with the Sanremo Domani list, and that an assembly be organized with all citizens interested in the issue of the Coldirodi square, candidate Capurro says loudly. It is essential that decisions affecting our community are made in a transparent and participatory way, taking into account the opinions and needs of all citizens. I await a response and a constructive discussion on this important issue.”

The Councillor Massimo Donzellainterviewed by our newspaper regarding the stoppage of the works, confirmed that the works were stopped, and slightly lengthened, as it was necessary to redo the conveyance of the sewers and all the underground services, reproducing the original state of the cobblestones, discovered outside start of the intervention.

“By carrying out the verification works – highlights Donzella – in fact, the presence of an old cobblestone path was ascertained, which the Municipality decided to restore. This change, compared to the approved project, led to the presentation of a variant with the new flooring. So, this week, the offices through a decision will approve the variant and, at the same time, the company will be delivered a part of the materials that are missing and. Next week the works will resume regularly and, this summer, the square will be reopened as normal”.

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