Italy 24 Press News

Finance Caltanissetta: naming of the ‘Largo Fiamme Gialle’ – News

On Thursday afternoon, starting at 6.00 pm, at the headquarters of the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza of Caltanissetta, the naming ceremony of the square in front of the driveway entrance of the Cap. Enrico Franco Barracks will take place, naming it “Largo Fiamme Gialle” .

The civil, military and religious authorities of the province, the Interregional Commander of South Western Italy of the Guardia di Finanza, Army Corps General Rosario Lorusso and the Regional Commander of Sicily, Division General Cosimo Di Gesù will take part in the ceremony.

The ceremony, which is part of the celebrations connected to the 250th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Guardia di Finanza, a significant milestone in two and a half centuries of history, to which the Fiamme Gialle Nissene also contributed to its full realization. Please remember that the “Cap. Enrico Franco” hosted, in the 1950s, the 12th company of the 3rd Cadet Battalion Guardia di Finanza commanded at the time by Capt. Antonio PALADINO who concluded his career with the rank of General of Division.

The history of the Guardia di Finanza is linked to this prestigious educational institute, whose presence in Caltanissetta is still remembered today by the population with admiration and great affection.

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