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Castiello evokes the Decima Mas at the cutting of the cake for the European Championships at the League party. Storm over the undersecretary

Naples, 3 June 2024 – Storm over the undersecretary for relations with Parliament Pina Castiellowho during a Lega ad party Afragola (Naples) referred to the Tithe Mas, military corps of the Italian Social Republic. In the video shared on social media, the mayor of the Campania municipality, Antonio Pannoneis filmed while cut a cake into an ‘X’ shape, while a voice off screen says: “Do the Decima Mas, come on!”. “The tenth, well done,” Castiello replies, just before a red X appears on the screen and the invitation to vote for Lega to the Europeans. All accompanied by a comment from the undersecretary herself: “We cut the cake with a tithe.” He appears in the video also candidate Angela Russo.

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“Make an X (Tenth) on the League.” Storm over the Vannacci commercial. What is the general referring to?

PD on the attack

The reaction was immediate Democratic party. “Undersecretary Pina Castiello he must not remain a single minute longer in his place – the head of culture Sandro Ruotolo wrote on Facebook – The government must distance itself from those who have offended the memory of many victims of fascism precisely at the time when Republic Day was being celebrated.” “The Naples of the Four Days will be able to give an answer on 8 and 9 June to the secessionists and nostalgics of the League”, continues the former senator’s post.

He echoes Ruotolo’s accusations Teresa Bellanovacandidate for the European elections for the United States of Europe list: “You can’t be ironic so on such delicate events in Italian history – he declared – Evidently, they are like this on the sides of the League desperate not to disdain to tickle fascist nostalgia just to get a few votes.”

Castiello’s reply

“Ruotolo’s attempt to cling to a fun episodewhich took place on the sidelines of an electoral demonstration, and to elevate it to the status of queen of dangerous nostalgia, is truly an exercise clumsy and clumsy”, Castiello defended himself, adding that his “personal and political history is outlined by a profound respect for the democratic values ​​enshrined in the constitution”. “If the former senator is looking for who he uses nostalgically Soviet regime methods For limit the freedoms of othershe would do well to exercise scrupulous self-criticism and he will see that, by questioning his conscience, he will find many things to be forgiven for”, he added, and then concluded: “I fear that Ruotolo made the effort to throw her into trouble with the sole objective of to report his candidacy which, fortunately, no one noticed”.

The Northern League senator also defends Castiello Gianluca Cantalamessa: “From a PD in crisis of visibility and themes arrive unjustified alarmism and sterile controversies: it is useless to remind comrades that you vote by making a cross and that the Decima is a department of the Italian Navy”.

Learn more:

Borghi and Salvini against Mattarella: “Today is the feast of the Italian Republic, not of the sovereignty of the EU”

The Vannacci case

The controversy comes a few days after the one that affected Roberto Vannaccialso among the League’s candidates for a seat in Brussels: in an election advert, the general asks to make a Decima (an X) on the party symbol.

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