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Regionals 2024, the presidential candidates in Piedmont and the lists

Alberto Cirio


Albese was born in Turin on 6 December 1972: he is the outgoing governor, appointed deputy secretary of Forza Italia in February this year. He is supported by the united centre-right: Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia, Lega per Salvini premier, Unione di Centro and Noi Moderati. The Cirio Presidente civic list is added to the parties. City councilor and deputy mayor of Alba, from 2010 to 2014 councilor for education, tourism and sport of the region led by Northern League member Roberto Cota; from July 2014 to July 2019 MEP (elected with 35,388 votes) in the EPP group. From 1995 to 2004 he played in the Northern League, then PDL, from 2009 to 2013. Since June 2022 he has been the Head of the Italian delegation to the Committee of the Regions in Brussels. Graduated in law from the University of Turin, he is an agricultural entrepreneur and hazelnut producer. In 2019 he was elected with 49.86%, winning the challenge against Sergio Chiamparino, who was chasing a second mandate.

Giovanna “Gianna” Pentenero

Jessica Pasqualon (bend)

Candidate of the centre-left, she was born in Chivasso, province of Turin, on 8 June 1964. She is supported by the Democratic Party, the Green-Left Alliance, the United States of Europe, the environmentalist and solidarity civic list, the Pentenero list. She lives in Casalborgone, a town of which she became mayor in 1993. Until that moment she was the youngest mayor in Italy. She administered for three terms, until 2004. From 2005 to 2010 she was regional councilor for education and professional training in the Mercedes Bresso council. In March 2010 she was elected to the Regional Council. With Sergio Chiamparino you are still councilor for Education, work and training. Since 2021 you have been councilor of the City of Turin in Stefano Lo Russo’s administration, with delegations to policies for safety, work, professional training, production activities, cybersecurity, and the prison system. She has a degree in Educational Sciences and for years she has been involved in the employment of disabled people in a social cooperative. On 16 March this year, the PD assembly, after a long and difficult negotiation, decided that she would be the centre-left candidate co-opted to challenge Alberto Cirio.

Sarah Disabato


She is the candidate of the 5 Star Movement, born in Turin on 1 October 1988, a degree in Biological Sciences, sports collaborator from 2009 to 2019 for various companies, M5s activist since 2013, municipal councilor in Collegno in 2014. In 2019 she joined for the first time in the Regional Council, where she is group leader of Giuseppe Conte’s party, in which she also holds the role of regional coordinator. It was she who led the negotiations, which later failed, to build the broad field with the Democratic Party.

Francesca Frediani


Former 5Stelle, she was born on 18 June 1973 in Genoa. She is an indomitable No Tav activist, she has lived in Val di Susa since childhood. She is a professional trainer in the IT field, from 2010 to 2014 she was on staff for the M5S, then elected for Conte’s party in 2014 and re-elected in 2019. In 2020 she left the M5S denouncing the party’s ambiguous position on Turin-Lyon. In 2021, the 4 October movement was born, joining the Popular Union, a network born from the union of left-wing political forces, Rifondazione Comunista, Dema, Potere al Popolo and independent associations. She is the candidate of the Piemonte Popolare list.

Alberto Costanzo


He was born on 6 May 1962 and is a lawyer in Casale Monferrato. He played in the National Alliance. Already a candidate for Italexit in the last political elections, he twice presented himself as a candidate for mayor in Casale Monferrato. It is supported by Libertà, the list promoted by Cateno De Luca and the former grillina Laura Castelli which unites South calls North, We united people, Great North, People of the family.

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