Italy 24 Press News

Discover the most characteristic places of Imola with FAI

View of the historic garden of the bishop’s palace. Photo Isolapress

ua day entirely dedicated to the most characteristic places of the city. That’s how much the Fai Group of Imola has plans for Saturday 15 June.
To inaugurate the day, a visit to historic garden of the bishop’s palace, where the public will be able to walk and get lost among the scents of cypresses and hydrangeas, peonies and apple trees, palms and roses. From there, the tour will continue inside the diocesan museum, to discover the art collections displayed in its rooms. Along the way, visitors will be accompanied by Marco Violi, guide of the diocesan museum. From Piazza del Duomo 1 we will move to historical complex of the Osservanza, with the characteristic avenue of tall palm trees. After the lunch break, visitors will be accompanied by Cristina Castellari, art historian, to discover the new exhibition spaces kept inside the gallery of the Cassa di Risparmio di Imola Foundation at Palazzo Sersanti.
To end the day, a short walk through the streets of the historic center, waiting for the final aperitif.
The meeting is scheduled for 10am in Piazza del Duomo 1. The initiative is open to FAI members, with a minimum contribution starting from 30 euros (including cultural coins, not lunch). Reservation is mandatory. To book or get more information you can contact the email address [email protected].

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