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5.5. The department did not always provide balance to the team and support for the offensive phase was mostly lacking. But there were some positive notes

Raoul Bellanova

Torino’s midfield was the department that had several players who performed less than they could have, too often lacking that balance and support that a team that doesn’t just float must have. On the right with Bellanova the positive notes while on the left no one managed to impose themselves. Many times Juric had to put Rodriguez in the left-handed lane, also due to injuries in defense and then thanks to the arrival of Masina, who should have acted in this position, however the coach always preferred to use him further back on the defensive line. Applause must be given to Tameze for his willingness to make up for defections in defense by sacrificing himself to play from third on the right and sometimes it also fell to Vojvoda to do the same. The young Gineitis was the nice surprise, but it’s a shame that towards the end of the season he had an injury that took him out of the game. Ilic, on the other hand, was the biggest disappointment. With a crescendo, Ricci won the pre-call-up to the European Championship from coach Spalletti, the same goes for Bellanova. The midfield overall managed to provide greater support in the defensive phase, decidedly less in the offensive phase, above all lacking men who, due to their technical characteristics, were able to set up. There Note more sore it was it poor contribution in terms of goals: only five. Overall the midfield deserves a 5.5 RATING.

Bellanova The absolute master of the right flank and the team’s assist man with seven. It took him some time to understand what Juric wanted from him and how to interact with his teammates, then he created a good feeling with Zapata by providing his teammate with five assists. When he started to get into gear, his bursts were very valuable and many opponents struggled to contain his advances. It’s a shame at the end of the season that his performance dropped a bit, after coach Spalletti took him on the tour of the United States in March, upon his return to Turin he performed a little less, almost unconsciously as if he were preserving himself a little in view of the However, this did not preclude him from being called up to the European Championship and now he is playing his cards to convince Spalletti to take him to Germany. He has little further growth to do and must improve especially in scoring goals: he has only scored one. RATING: 6.5.

Soppy He arrived in the summer on loan from Atalanta, where he had not convinced Gasperini, and was unable to carve out much space for himself, even though he was Bellanova’s reserve. In January Torino resolved the loan by returning it to the sender. Rating: 5.

Ricci A start to the season with some difficulties due to: having arrived in retirement after having played in the European category with the Under 21 team and the transfer rumors linking him to Lazio. Then when he was getting into gear at the beginning of November the injury, a distracting injury to the biceps femoris of his right thigh. After this period he resumed his growth path so much so that Spalletti pre-called him for the European Championship and like Bellanova he is now playing his cards to convince the coach to take him to Germany. A hard worker, diligent in carrying out the coach’s requests, he puts in the miles on the pitch, but must be more daring in verticalising and taking some risks without almost always choosing the pass to the closest teammate and being more incisive in front of goal, he managed to only score one goal. He too has room for growth: believe it!. RATING: 6+ which encourages him to dare more.

Ilic Why doesn’t he take advantage of the technical skills he has? It’s a question that can’t be answered. And to think that Juric strongly wanted him so he was in the ideal condition to express himself at his best, but he wasn’t able to take advantage of the opportunity and now that the coach will change or find a team that wants to welcome him and is willing to give Torino a fee for his card that does not generate a capital loss or in any case that this is very limited or he will have to work hard to get into the good graces of the new coach. And to think that when he is in the mood he knows how to light up the game, just think of that ball he served to Radonjic which earned the victory over Genoa in the first round. He undoubtedly has his abilities, but he lacks continuity and sometimes when he is on the pitch he gets irritated by the little he does. Only three goals plus another in the Italian Cup and two assists: they’re not great. He is 23 years old and if he doesn’t want to remain an eternal promise he must work much harder. RATING: 5.

Tameze A monument should be made to him for how much he helped the team in moments of difficulty by sacrificing himself and playing the role of defender on the right. Most of the time his performance was positive and if he got lost from time to time the man should be forgiven because he was playing out of role. Players like him are fundamental in the team’s economy. RATING: 6.5 because the help he gave must be included in the judgment.

Linetty The little soldier who never failed to make his contribution. He put in the miles on the pitch, during the interdiction phase he gave everything he could and had. He doesn’t shine in the setting, but perhaps this isn’t in his style. Another player that perhaps some don’t consider much, but that every coach would like in their squad because when needed he is ready. RATING: 6+.

Gineitis The young revelation. Juric had an eye and understood his qualities and he committed himself to working hard to undertake the path to establish himself. It’s a shame that the injury, a sprained right knee, prevented him from being on the pitch at the end of the season. Well done in being able to react to the mistake made in the first leg against Monza when he let Colpani steal his time and then scored the equalizer: a mistake that allowed him to grow further. RATING: 6.5, a good omen for the future and encouragement to continue like this.

Lazarus He should have been Bellanova’s alter ego on the left, but he wasn’t. Mostly mediocre performances were embellished only by a few flashes. Four assists and zero goals: he could have done more. RATING: 5.5

Vojvoda The judgment is similar to that given to Lazaro. We must say thank you because he made himself available to play defense on the right in emergencies and when Tameze wasn’t there. Four assists (one in the Italian Cup) and one goal in the Italian Cup: they aren’t much. RATING: 5.5

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