Italy 24 Press News

Art and disability / Recognition from the mayor of Acireale to the Guardastelle association

On 1 June the mayor of Acireale Roberto Barbagallo, the councilor for Culture Enzo Di Mauro and the councilor for Social Policies Valentina Pulvirenti received theGuardastelle cultural association.

The Guardastelle association achieved great success at the National Theater and Disability Festival “There you are true” in Monza. The show took place on May 26th “Rosso, the button shop” it won the awards for best theater show and best direction.

On behalf of the entire City, the Administration wanted to thank the Acese association for its commitment to promoting inclusive theatre, a stage open to all, without barriers. As a sign of recognition, the symbols of the City were given to the protagonists of Rosso.
Gabriella Fichera and Paolo Filippini were present, the kids from the association, which has 90 members, and their families and representatives of the city council.

From left: the member Enzo Di Mauro, the member. Valentina Pulvirenti, the mayor Roberto Barbagallo and a boy from the Guardastelle association

The mayor’s applause for the Guardastelle association

“Thank you! You were excellent and not only we think so, but the jury that evaluated you and awarded you the most important prizes and many recognitions. As an Administration – said the mayor – we will do everything to give you an adequate space to continue working and having fun with your creativity. Today’s moment is simply a recognition of your skill.”

“Every day you manage to concretely demonstrate how important inclusion is and what equal opportunities means. Every time you are on that stage we get emotional and today we are excited as institutions because you have brought the name of our city far and high – underlined councilor Pulvirenti. It’s not easy to convey emotions and you always manage to do it, we look forward to seeing you on stage in this eventful summer.”

A thread of love that holds us together

“This is the home of the Acesi and we here embrace you on behalf of all the Acesi. Last Thursday, when I said goodbye to you before leaving, I told you that you would return victorious. The problem is that not only did you win, but you also triumphed in the special categories. I was certain of it because your skill goes beyond borders – recalled Councilor Di Mauro. Paolo and Gabriella do an exceptional job, thank you for what you do for our kids.”

“We felt close to you in this adventure. We were there to create bonds and instead we won and many opportunities also opened up for the Starwatchers. In the next few days a director from Patagonia will come to visit us, because they want to get to know our work up close. What would we be without the patience of the families who are always there no matter what. This red thread of love binds us and keeps us all united, bound by our love for each other. You must continue to be like this, we must always look with love at those around us”, underlined Paolo Filippini.

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