Italy 24 Press News

Four Black Workers Discovered

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Guardia di Finanza of Perugia: Four illegal workers discovered in the Superbonus construction site

In the city of Perugia, the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza has carried out an intense activity of economic control of the territory, focusing in particular on the phenomenon of undeclared work, in order to protect the correct operators from the unfair competition exercised by companies that do not respect the rules.

In this context, the soldiers of the Foligno Company conducted an inspection on a construction site in the city, relating to interventions financed by the so-called “110% Superbonus”. During the inspection, it emerged that the contracting company, based outside the region but operating in Umbria, was found to have four workers without an employment contract, therefore “off the books”. Consequently, the “maxisanction” was imposed, which provides for a fine ranging from a minimum of 7,800 euros to a maximum of 46,800 euros.

Since the number of “illegal” workers has exceeded the threshold of 10% of the personnel employed by the aforementioned local unit, the Territorial Labor Inspectorate of Perugia has ordered the immediate suspension of entrepreneurial activity. Subsequently, following further investigations, administrative sanctions relating to workplace safety were also contested, for an amount equal to 27,650 euros.

Since the beginning of the current year, the Foligno Company, on the basis of the directives issued by the Provincial Command of Perugia, has conducted numerous inspection activities at companies operating in the municipalities of competence, finding overall the employment of 12 workers completely “under the table” ” and 5 “irregular”.

In addition to the aforementioned construction site, the operations involved various economic activities, including two restaurants in Foligno and a tailoring workshop in Cannara run by ethnic Chinese citizens. At the two catering businesses, three employees without employment contracts and two “irregular” workers were identified, for whom communications to the competent bodies had not been made. In this context, untraceable cash payments relating to overtime hours worked by two employees, for a total of 6,664 euros, were also contested. At the Cannara factory, however, an “illegal” worker was identified.

Further inspection activities, transversal to several economic sectors, including bars, laundries, beauty centers and hairdressers, made it possible to contest violations due to the presence, in total, of four “illegal” workers and three “irregular” workers.

These checks highlight the effectiveness of the Fiamme Gialle’s action to combat the phenomenon of undeclared work, a plague on the entire economic system which takes resources away from the Treasury and undermines the interests of workers, who are often exploited.

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