Italy 24 Press News

Cervia. Ex Farmografica, new gray smoke between Austrians and Focaccia for the sale

New gray smoke for the sale of the former Farmografica of Cervia. The negotiations between the Austrian multinational Mayr-Melnhof and the Cervia group Focaccia, for the rescue of the historic pharmaceutical packaging company, I’m stuck again. This was confirmed by Riccardo Focaccia himself who, with an email addressed to trade union organisations, the Municipality of Cervia, the Province of Ravenna, the Prefecture and the Regional Department of Economic Development, informed of the‘impasse “having ascertained the impossibility of disbursing hospitalization funds”.

“Already in recent days – explain Saverio Monno of Slc Cgil Ravenna, Stefano Gregnanin of Fistel Cisl Emilia-Romagna and Ryan Paganelli of Uilcom Uil Ravenna – while there was enthusiasm for a sale that now appeared imminent, we had asked companies and institutions to convene that crisis table that has been following the evolution of the dispute since last year. This morning, together with the availability of the Focaccia group, we had to acknowledge, with desolation and tiredness, this umpteenth setback”.

“The reasons for this new slowdown in relations between the two companies are not known. The parties have signed a confidentiality agreement which binds them to silence and they are sticking to it with extreme rigidity. Rumors say that the situation worsened towards the end of last week, but it is not known how or why. Any comment is useless at this point. We only trust that, precisely in the face of this new impasse, the urgency of immediately scheduling a meeting for appropriate clarification and in-depth analysis is shared, not only between institutions, RSU and trade unions”.

“After months of hope – conclude Monno, Gregnanin and Paganelli – and more than a year after the flood, we will not accept hesitation. The workers ask for concreteness and seriousness and they are damn right. These women, these men, their families, the city of Cervia, deserve sobriety and responsibility. There is no longer time to be patient.”

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