Italy 24 Press News

Conference on construction, Confartigianato addresses the topic of safety on construction sites and the innovations introduced

From 1 October 2024, anyone working on temporary and mobile construction sites will be required to be in possession of the “Credit license for safety on construction sites” as specified by law. Confartigianato Costruzioni is organizing a conference entitled “Construction: safety and innovations introduced by Legislative Decree 19/2024” Wednesday 12 June at 4pm at the Sala Marino Banci in Confartigianato in La Spezia. Speakers will include Paolo Figoli, president of Confartigianato La Spezia and national vice-president of ANAEPA Costruzioni, HE Maria Luisa Inversini, Prefect of La Spezia, Alessio Caldassi, President of Confartigianato Costruzioni, Angelo Villa, Manager of ASL 5 PSAL, Serena Nastasia, Territorial Labor Inspectorate of La Spezia, Enrico Taponecco , Confartigianato Environment and Safety Manager, Giulia Lenzi, expert construction site safety engineer, Andrea Tafaria, Building Union representing Cgil-Cisl-Uil, Marco Carloni, Confartigianato Work Area Manager moderated by the journalist from Città della Spezia, Thomas De Luca.

The meeting is aimed at all companies that operate on construction sites and in the home sector. We will talk about safety in construction, new regulations, certification required by Legislative Decree 19/2024, construction site documents, Sanedil, the Supplementary Health Care Fund dedicated to workers of construction companies, adequacy of labor in construction. Employers who hold the role of RSPP will be granted training credit valid for the purposes of the RSPP update. The conference is open to companies in the sector upon registration at the registration link: for further information you can contact the organizational secretariat tel. 0187286632.

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