Italy 24 Press News

Italian climbing championships: the young climbers from Ravenna and Faenza start off in the right gear

It took place this weekend, in Trentino Alto AdigeThe Italian youth sport climbing championship reserved for categories U16, U18 and U20.

Around 350 athletes from all over the peninsula and selected based on the results of their respective regional championships, competed in the indoor facilities of Bressanone (Speed ​​and Boulder) and Brunico (Lead).


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Cover undoubtedly dedicated to Ernesto Placci from the Carchidio Strocchi Faenza it’s at Sara Strocchi of the Porcupine Ravenna which lead back to Romagna three gold medals. Ernesto, in the U20M category, dominated with ease and naturalness the Lead race which saw him competing in Brunico, in one of the most evocative Italian indoor facilities, against opponents of even higher rank on paper. Thanks to an excellent fourth place also in the Boulder Placci he also took home the combined medal for the two specialties. At the same time in the Speed ​​room of Bressanone, the yellow-red Sara Strocchi (U18F) turned on the light of the dark and rainy afternoon in Alto Adige by stringing together an impressive series of perfect climbs up to the final rush, against her teammate Eva Mengoli, in which she also scored the his new personal best of 7.50. Her podium was therefore Byzantine for two thirds with Sara gold medal and Eva silver medal.

Other splendid medals for the contingent of our province arrived from Marco Rontini And Ludovico Villagessecond and third respectively in the U20M Speed ​​category, and Giulia Asirelli second in the U20F Speed ​​category.

Good placings too Ludovico Ravagliafifth in U16M Speed, Alice Strocchi fifth in U20F Speed, Caterina Pazzaglia who comes close to the podium placing fourth in Lead and fifth in Boulder (U18F) with a combined score that places her in fifth place, and Nicole Francesconi eleventh in both Speed ​​and Boulder (U18F).

Finally, it is worth mentioning the ranking score reserved for the teams in which the Giallorossi club Porcupine ASD is placed at fourth place overall out of approximately 80 participating companies. The result is even sensational if we consider only the ranking of the Speed ​​discipline in which the Giallorossi finish in second place overall despite not having any walls in the city for the practice of this discipline with its athletes forced to train in Faenza for a long time, Forlì or Bologna.

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