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“The sea and Santa Rosalia” – Art, songs and songs

From 6 to 17 June at the Municipal Historical Archives “Il MARE e Santa ROSALIA” will be held, art, songs and songs. Vernissage 6 June 2024 at 5.00 pm

The project with the theme The SEA becomes a fascinating stimulus of inspiration to link the two protagonist artists: Sara Favarò (writer, actress, poet) and Stefano Zangara (painter), two artists with two different styles, personal and expressive, but who they are oriented towards creating uniqueness of emotions towards the topic of Santuzza in Palermo.

Divided into two distinct moments, it is conceived as follows: after the greetings of the authorities present and the usual presentations, Sara Favarò, in an art performance, will present her two volumes to the public accompanied by narrations and music. Another moment will be dedicated to painting, some canvases by Maestro Stefano Zangara will be exhibited, works still unpublished and dedicated to the cult of the sea, Between the sacred and the profane. The Artists: Sara Favarò, nominated by the President of the Republic “Knight of Merit of the Italian Republic” is a writer, poet, actress, sensitive cultured woman involved in social work.

To honor Santa Rosalia he will refer to two of his latest and unpublished volumes entitled “Santa Rosalia, Fede dubbi riti” legend, published by Il Pozzo di Giacobbe and “Rusalia c’era e c’è”, storyteller Poem Triunfu published by Di Girolamo . In addition to talking about the texts mentioned above, he will perform songs dedicated to Santuzza and recite poetic texts. For the performance of the songs you sing you will be accompanied by a musician.

In the first book, the author makes a reconstruction of the life and works of Rosalia Sinibaldi, according to what can be drawn from hagiographies and historiographies, including popular legends, songs and prayers. Paths that range from folklore to history, from popular religion to the Catholic faith, from certainties to the doubts raised by scholars and men of the church. Religiosity, art, tradition and legend that become cultured and popular theater in a crescendo of representations in Sicily and Spain.

A popular tale of faith, but also a meeting point between doubts and conflicting hypotheses on the veracity of facts ranging from the royal descent of the Saint to the discovery of the bones and the end of the plague. Stories that, regardless of their scientific nature, can never deny the true great miracle of Santa Rosalia which is the sincere and authentic faith of her people.

It is she who the faithful invoke to be freed from the plague which, in 1624, struck the city of Palermo and Santuzza accepted their plea. Sara Favarò interprets the popular faith, which has accompanied the figure of the Saint for centuries and composes a storyteller that is narration, sound and song, artistically accompanied by the poster and illustrations by Tiziana Crivello. A narrative that goes beyond the storyteller and the story of Rosalia Sinibaldi becomes a poem that the author composes in Italian, in hendecasyllable octaves.

Rosalia was and is there, in addition to the author’s compositions, it contains a complete version of the Triunfu of Santa Rusulia of the street musicians who, in 1661, founded the Congregazione degli Orbi, under the guidance of the Jesuits. She opens the text Rusalia Rusalia, a poem-song that has been shared thousands of times on social channels.


Vernissage 6 June 2024, 5.00 pm.


Dr. Pietro Cannella

Deputy Mayor-Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Palermo

Dr. Maria Francesca Martinez Tagliavia

Director of the Libraries and Ethnoanthropological Spaces Office of the Municipal Historical Archive

Dr. Claudia Fucarino

Head of Unit2″

Cultural Management Special Projects and Security

Office of Libraries and Ethnoanthropological Spaces

Municipal Historical Archive

Lawyer Sabrina Di Pasquali

Varia President of the Inner Wheel Palermo Club dean on behalf of all the organizing Presidents


Arch. Giovanna Mauro

President of the Inner Wheel Palermo Mondello club

Introduce the artists

Arch. Giacomo Fanale

Art critic Curator of the exhibition, presents the works of Maestro Stefano Zangara

This will be followed by refreshments offered by the five organizing clubs.

For the closing finissage of the exhibition-event, scheduled for 17 June 2024, an afternoon meeting will be organized with Doctor Claudio Paterna, anthropologist and journalist who will talk to us about the Hermitage on the sea, small cavities created for solitary places of Faith, born for penance and created on a rock face as if they were unique monoliths.

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