Italy 24 Press News

Stendhal and the judiciary: the training project closed

CIVITAVECCHIA – Last, but not least project of the IIS Stendhal of Civitavecchia for the 2023/2024 school year. The project “Young people meet the Constitution: the Judiciary” conceived and implemented by the coordinator Professor Antonietta Schioppa has ended. The path was developed in two parts: the meeting at school with the judges to talk about the Judiciary and the second, which was held in the courtrooms of the Civitavecchia Court to attend some sessions of criminal trials. On 8 April the judges Francesco Coniglio, Viviana Di Iorio and Viviana Petrocelli of the Court of Civitavecchia met the second, third and fifth classes recipients of the project in the Institute’s auditorium

Dr. Coniglio illustrated to the student audience the theme of the interpretation of the provisions of the penal code and the related infliction of the sanction. Subsequently, a trial was simulated with doctors Petrocelli and Di Iorio, some students interpreted the roles of the trial parties. The students’ response was positive, full of interest and curiosity.

A special thanks from the school to the President of the Court of Civitavecchia, Dr. Francesco Vigorito, who authorized the second classes to attend some sessions of the trials in the criminal section classrooms on May 8th. The students attended with great participation, rigor and interest.

The school director, Professor Maria Federici, in welcoming the project, declares that these moments of school life are fundamental because they increase the awareness that every daily action must be lived in compliance with the rules. The head teacher and Professor Schioppa extend their thanks to the President of the Court of Civitavecchia Francesco Vigorito and to the judges for having effectively conveyed to the children the sense of justice and respect for the rules for civilized living.

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