Italy 24 Press News

Casa Betania, the social co-housing of the Centro Astalli Catania for mothers and children | Changing Sicily

Catania – Women fleeing trafficking, exploitation and forced marriages or looking for a better future for themselves and their children. They are the first inhabitants of Casa Betania, the social co-housing for single-parent families made up of mothers and children in Catania managed by the Centro Astalli Catania ODV within part of a structure donated on loan for use by the diocese of Catania.

An experience of welcoming migrant mothers and children in a facility managed by the goal of offer refuge, refreshment and rest to those in need. It is no coincidence, with a clear biblical reference, that the bishop of Catania chose the name Bethany, the ancient name of a small and poor village in Palestine located on the eastern side of the Mount of Olives and known for being cited in the Gospels as the city where Lazzaro lived there as well as a symbol of the home of friends of rest.

Casa Betania, the large building of the Diocese now managed by the Centro Astalli

We have told stories of inclusion and initiatives that promote the integration and autonomy of migrants on Italia che Cambia: from the Afrisicilia cooperative to the Al Kharub cooperative. This, however, is different because it starts from the possibilities that open up when those who own an asset put it at the service of others. «It all began during an afternoon like the others at the Astalli center in Via Tezzano, when the new Archbishop Renna came to visit us as soon as he arrived in Catania», says Francesca Di Giorgio, cultural mediator and volunteer at Centro Astalli, who today is the contact person for Casa Betania and deals with the co-housing experience with the role of social manager.


«Like every afternoon – says Francesca – it is not possible for us to block activities and services even when we are expecting a guest, even a special one. The bishop arrived, visited the premises, played with the children and stopped to talk about the beauty of our centre, of effort but also of joy of daily sharing with those assisted who by entering the door leave part of their problems in our hands so that they don’t weigh too much”.

On the occasion of World Refugee Day, the small, large interreligious chapel will be inaugurated at Casa Betania

«That day, we also talked about the difficulties that housing represents in a city like Catania. He went away saying “let’s think about it”. After a few days an invitation arrived to see a large property in Via Raciti owned by the diocese. We went and were immediately captivated by the beauty of the place, starting to plan what to do in that building.”

«As Centro Astalli – he continues – we are always listening to the area and we knew that a mother-child home was needed for women who were leaving the projects and who were not yet ready for true autonomy. For this reason we had no doubts about the destination. Today we therefore provide targeted projects for each family unit, from school to training internships to a job, hopefully as soon as possible, to accompany them towards independence”.

The great adventure began in February: we immediately thought of hosting groups of mothers and children, also knowing that we could count on the support of the Diocese. Among signatures, papers and furniture arrived thanks to a contribution from the diocesan Caritas, a few months ago Casa Betania came to life with the first guests, three mothers and three children, and it is a beautiful reality full of life, smiles and dreams.

The corridors of the building are full of toys and paintings and small objects that many people in the city continue to give away. And the smell of good food always comes out of the kitchen, which speaks of distant lands. «We can count on the help of many donors who purchase, bring and share material and non-material goods with our guests and with us. We have also set up an online fundraiser.”


Of course, communication between mothers is not always easy given that today they come from Egypt, Burkina Faso and Nigeria, but children easily find ways to play together. And obviously there are already those who are responsible for teaching them Italian and an Italian school has been set up and carried out by volunteers from the Astalli centre. There are also two volunteer doctors who take care of bureaucratic-health issues and small consultations that are needed.

«Furthermore – explains Francesca – training internships for mothers and external activities for children have already been activated which go very well. We collaborate with various third sector organizations that contribute with donations or support of various kinds, as well as economic, to carry our space forward.” The team at Casa Betania is made up of a social manager, Francesca, and a committee – which also includes one of the three mothers staying at the moment – which makes decisions in agreement with the management of the Astalli centre.

Group photo on the “A plant for the Bethany house” day

A virtuous experience of welcome and sharing that also tells of a part of the city that has long been active, even with small gestures, in support of Casa Betania, responding to calls from volunteers. For example, on March 16th there was the initiative “a plant for the Betania house” in which anyone could participate, bringing a plant to adorn the beautiful courtyard of the structure.

Many participated in the initiative launched in the belief that taking care of plants is a way to grow healthily, sharing and developing the art of waiting. And starting from that experience, the gardening project also began in collaboration with Il Mosaico: a group of homeless people helped the volunteers and children of the Astalli center to bury the plants donated that day.

And week after week, Casa Betania becomes more and more a welcoming and multicultural refuge, so much so that on 22 June, on the occasion of World Refugee Day, right at Casa Betania the small, large interreligious chapel will be inaugurated which will welcome the various cults and will be a tangible symbol of collaboration between peoples.

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