Italy 24 Press News

Corigliano-Rossano. The “suicidal” strategy of the center-right: we are at the theater of the absurd (by Alberto Laise)

by Alberto Laise

Again for the theater of the absurd: the centre-right, once again, instead of explaining what its plans are in the event of victory in the Corigliano-Rossano local elections, continues with the press releases/denunciations. Now the final balance sheet which should not be approved today because the majority will lack a quorum.
Even in this case we reason logically.

If it were true that the final balance was false (and it is difficult to understand how a public accounting document can be false… if anything it might not have “coverage” but that is a very different thing) why should the outgoing administration not vote for him or make the quorum missing 4 days before the vote, giving the center-right a penalty kick without a goalkeeper? Wouldn’t it be smarter to vote for it anyway and possibly wait for the decisions of the supervisory bodies? In fact, it is a practice that various centre-right regional, national and municipal governments have used over the years. Even the centre-right administrations of Corigliano and Rossano. So much so that external auditors intervened several times.

So what happens? Does the organization have cash flow difficulties? Probably yes… like 99% of Italian municipalities and also because numerous transfers from supra-municipal bodies are delayed. Damage and madness due to the famous/infamous “obligation to balance the budget” which is killing Italian administrations and essential services such as Healthcare and Welfare. And, in payments, the Calabria Region has the world record for delays.

If today, as I believe, the municipal administration votes in favor, then what will happen? We will probably move on to other suspects… However, precisely, it wouldn’t even be wrong if the municipal administration itself began to use the tool of a defamation complaint against anyone who spreads false news…

Being gentlemen, if you have people throwing mud on the city in front of you, cannot be an infinite action.
And it’s the same story as Arrical and waste debts… Corigliano-Rossano pays, even debts inherited from those who accuse her today, and instrumentally, an organization nominated by his opponent accuses him of not having paid but the money is hidden in an organization that was managed by the brother of the President of the Region… stuff like Gomorra make me laugh…

Or do we want to talk about the blackmail electoral campaign that many doctors and ASP employees carry out, terrorizing patients? We even get thereI don’t know if it’s out of ignorance or bad faith or because you have to beg for a promotion that you would otherwise never get due to your inability, to affirm that the responsibility for the malfunctioning of the health system lies with the mayor… Stuff that not even a student in their first month of law school would be able to say… Yet the web, the offices, the Cup desks are all hard at work to defend their little garden.

This afternoon, we hope, this further useless farce will, in one way or another, be closed and finally, perhaps, we will also talk about the centre-right’s programs on the Port, on State Highway 106, on work, on legality, on public works, on tourist season (oops… even Salvini on the beaches and Bolkestein said that Occhiuto didn’t understand a thing…) etc… But I understand that it doesn’t make much sense to talk about a program if you already know that it won’t be useful.

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