Italy 24 Press News

Cremona Evening – The removal of the five bells of the Church of the Santissima Trinità in Crema has been completed. They will be restored and will return by Christmas

The first phase of a delicate extraordinary maintenance intervention involving the Church of the Santissima Trinità of Crema and, specifically, its bell tower was concluded in the best possible way and without any kind of unexpected event. For a safety issue, thanks to a state of heavy wear which characterized above all the metal structure used to guarantee the correct housing of the bells, it was necessary to proceed with their complete removal. The work was carried out by Rubagotti Carloa Brescia company specialized in the creation and restoration of bells and tower clocks, which, after dismantling both the metal structure and the five bells, transported them to its laboratories in Chiari for the restoration operations.

“This was an absolutely necessary intervention to guarantee the safety of all parishioners and which, unfortunately, will lead us to do without our bells at least until late autumn“, explains Don Remo Tedoldi, parish priest of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Crema. “The company that takes care of the maintenance of our bell tower was very clear about the problem and as soon as we became aware of the issue we took immediate action. At the moment the bells are on their way to Chiari and in the next few days work will begin to return them to their former glory. The goal is to have them available again by the beginning of November or, in the worst case scenario, at least before Christmas.”

As he also confirms Marco Martinotti of Rubagotti Carlo, the main reason why the five bells were removed concerns the need to replace the so-called castellatura, i.e. the metal structure supporting the bells. “From the first inspection we noticed a very strong deterioration of the castellation, which led us to immediately recommend removing it and replacing it. Specifically, these are structures that have a very long life and which will probably remain active without any problem for over 200 years once reinstalled inside the bell tower in the Holy Trinity. In addition to creating a new castle, all five bells will be completely restored: a long and laborious job that we hope to complete by the beginning of November”.

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