Italy 24 Press News

in Trani Francesco Carofiglio with his latest novel

Thursday 6 June 2024, 6.30 pm, the Department of Culture of the City of Trani invites the presentation of the book LA STAGIONE BELLA by Francesco Carofiglio (ed. Garzanti, 2024) in the Luna di Sabbia bookshop. After the institutional greetings, he will talk with the author Vito Santoro.
The book
Viola is forty years old. Swim, every day. Her since she was a child. She swims dozens of laps back and forth, while outside, the world, she disappears. Her days seem to move in the light hypnosis of a frozen time, and getting old has nothing to do with it, it has to do with her life, the one that exists, the one that has never existed. Maybe it all started when her mother left, too soon. Or perhaps much earlier, Viola cannot know. Both only daughters, both orphans of a father who never existed. Tightened by a happy and indestructible bond, for life. In her workshop in Milan, Viola creates fragrances for a French Maison. Inside that shop she receives people who, thanks to the smells, seek, and sometimes rediscover, a lost path, heal their wounded memory with smell. And while Viola carries out the meticulous operation of tidying up her childhood home, something happens, amidst the smells of camphor and lavender. In a drawer there is a box, never seen before, there are letters, photographs and a recorded tape from when Barbara lived in Paris, before she was born. Perhaps a secret is hidden inside that box. The secret of her whole life.
The author
Francesco Carofiglio is a writer, architect, illustrator and director. He has published with some of the largest publishing groups, in Italy and abroad. Among his numerous novels are L’estate del cane nero (ed. Marsilio, 2008), The house in the woods with brother Gianrico (ed. Rizzoli, 2014), L’estate dell’incanto (Bancarella selection prize 2020) and Our lives (ed. Piemme, 2021).

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