Italy 24 Press News

Palermo, Spezia returns to insist on Edo Soleri

In Liguria we talk about Soleri allo Spezia again. A refrain that has already characterized the Rosanero’s outgoing negotiations in the last two transfer sessions, but without ever reaching a conclusion. In January the deal seemed to be on track, but then – after the brace against Modena and the popular acclaim from all over Barbera – the Roman center forward decided to stay in the rosanero. Now, from what we read in Secolo XIX, the discussion could regain strength.

“It seems there have been some approaches with Antonino Imborgia, an agent who had already attempted the Soleri-Spezia operation right up to the end in January – we read in the Ligurian newspaper -. The Roman striker, who had already played in the past with the white shirt (5 appearances in the championship, but none as a starter, one in the cup, in the team then coached by Fabio Gallo), was close to wearing it again. All possible at least until the third week of January, when the other Verde affair (after Pisa-Spezia, Macia’s retreat after an endorsement from the Palermo managers for the left-handed player’s transfer to the rosanero) effectively blew up any basis for negotiations for Soleri ”.

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