Italy 24 Press News

For university students in Cremona, life runs on a podcast

CREMONA – What will we do tomorrow evening? By when do I have to pay the bill? I don’t know what to cook for lunch… These are some of the questions that university students all over the world ask themselves every day. Questions which, however, are not always answered… Universicast, the new podcast on university life in Cremona, conceived and created by a group of both local and non-resident students, supported by the experience of Francesco Locane (podcaster and radio), was created precisely with this objective: provide valid advice to all university students, and not only, present in the Cremona area.

The episodes, visible on Spotify within the ‘Universicast’ channel and on the ‘Cremona University’ portal, will be released approximately every 15 days and the first is scheduled for Thursday, June 6th. A day on which, among other things, the podcast will be launched at a time open to all citizens. Then meet at 5.30pm at the Informagiovani headquarters.

Here’s what exactly the project consists of. «Universicast – he explains Elisa Gamba, psychologist and coordinator of the initiative – is one of the actions of the ‘Ci Sto!’ project, presented by the Municipality of Cremona in partnership with various other local entities, as part of the ‘Lombardy is for young people’ 2023 tender, financed by Region in collaboration with Anci Lombardia”. Where the idea of ​​creating this podcast came from and why it is a podcast is easy to say: «Our goal is to make young people increasingly the protagonists of our city and meet their needs. The choice to use this communication method also seemed to be the best one to allow our children to transmit and offer content with easy and immediate language to their peers”.

The numbers of children who come to study in Cremona are constantly growing. This can be a helpful tool for them to better orient themselves in the city. It can also become this for Cremonese boys and girls in general. «I believe that Universicast can represent in all respects a sort of compass for any young person who intends to fully experience our city. Being able to listen, through the voice of other university students, to advice and stories similar to theirs can certainly be useful for non-residents not only to get to know Cremona better, but also to feel less alone during this very important process of change. At the same time, however, Universicast could also become a great resource for all those who were born in Cremona and therefore an opportunity to rediscover what they claim to know too well, giving it a new and profound value”, explains Gamba .

A project, as mentioned, in which young people are the real protagonists. «The climate that reigns within the editorial team, located in the spaces of the Digital Lab of the Department of Musicology and Cultural Heritage, is truly lively and full of enthusiasm. It is an extremely proactive working group, which has a great desire to get involved. Among them there is an awareness that they are building something very important and unprecedented for all the young people of Cremona and, in general, for the city.”

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