Italy 24 Press News

Catania weather, the forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 5 June


They are expected on Wednesday 5 June in Catania weather conditions variable, with alternating between scattered clouds and overcast skies during the day. Temperatures will remain rather stable, with values ​​between +21°C and +26°C. There cloud cover it will be constantly changing, with peaks of up to 100% in the central hours of the day.

In detail, when you wake up the city will be surrounded by scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 42% and a temperature of +23.3°C. Over the course of the morning, clouds will tend to increase, leading to a cloud cover which will reach 83% around 10:00, with a temperature of +25.7°C.

In the afternoon, the sky will present itself covered with a cloud cover which will reach 100% around 1pm, with a temperature of +26.5°C. Conditions will remain similar in the late afternoon as well scattered clouds it’s a cloud cover around 68% at 2pm.

In the evening, the clouds will clear, leaving room for few clouds with a cloud cover by 21% around 8pm, with a temperature of +22.5°C. During the night, the scattered clouds they’ll come back to show up with one cloud cover by 51% around 11pm, with a temperature of +21.9°C.

The forecast for the next few days in Catania indicate a slight improvement in atmospheric conditions, with a gradual increase in temperatures and a decrease in cloud cover. However, it is advisable to stay updated on the weather forecast for any sudden changes.

All the weather data for Wednesday 5 June in Catania

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