Italy 24 Press News

De Martinis: car parks at Colle D’Addazio: abandoned pine forest – Pescara

MONTESILVANO. Last week of hunting for votes also in Montesilvano: the countdown has started for the municipal elections on 8 and 9 June. On the one hand, there is the outgoing mayor Ottavio De Martinisre-candidate of the centre-right, and on the other, Fabrizio D’Addaziocandidate of the centre-left.
Yesterday, in Piazza Calabresi, De Martinis met with the members of the Pro loco Monti Silvani to illustrate the projects for the village: «After the interventions against hydrogeological instability», said the mayor, «our administration has obtained another loan for the square Gauls. In recent years we have worked to identify areas on the Hill intended for parking and we are in negotiations with some private individuals to acquire land and transform it into parking areas: we have already made an offer and now we are waiting for the response”. De Martinis reasoned with the president of the Pro loco Free Earth and with the other members on the possibility of holding «also some cultural events on the promenade to enhance the medieval village even more».
D’Addazio, with his mobile committee, returned behind the pine forest, in the area of ​​the Gemelli condominium with the candidate Daniela Taricco: «An area that was built to be lived on a daily basis and, at the same time, to welcome tourism, populated by families and students, completely neglected by the De Martinis administration, leaving it in neglect, today those who live there report a lack of interventions of ordinary administration, above all lack of urban security and decorum”. D’Addazio spoke to the residents about his plan «to restore the entire southern Montesilvano area to its original splendor, starting from what is reported as the most serious problem: safety. I really believe in the redevelopment and care of places as a deterrent to petty crime because decorum discourages bad guys and the comings and goings of prostitution.” The entrepreneur’s first proposal is to «immediately activate a synergy with the police for forest protection for the management of the pine forest, implement actions to be able to visit it even in the evening, with peace of mind. To increase checks, it will be important to include the third shift of the municipal police.” The third shift of the local police has already been active since May 25th with officers on duty until one in the morning.
D’Addazio announced that in the future “the pedestrian area could be extended, create events also in this part of the coast, which residents say have never been organised, and thus encourage establishments to remain open in the evening”.

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